Tuesday 31 January 2023

Media Studies - Media Regulation (ASA)

 In the media industry, regulation is done to protect the people from content deemed threatening, in appropriate, etc, by governments organizations all over the world.

In the UK, these organizations include:
IPSO - For the Radio
OFCOM - For television
ASA - For Adverts

Specifically, the ASA censors and takes down inappropriate or misleading advertisements from the internet or Television. Or, they only allow these ads in certain periods of time, i.e. after watershed hours are over. The UK has watershed hours in which only family friendly content and ads are to be shown, as these are the hours in which kids are most likely watching TV (5:30 AM - 9:00 PM).

Case Study: The ASA ordered a ruling on a deodorant advertisement broadcasted by WILD Cosmetics LTD, due to inappropriate content and irresponsible advertising.

Government organizations take action against advertisers who publish explicit content and advertise them to inappropriate audiences. An example of this would be how the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) took action against WILD Cosmetics LTD, who published an online advertisement on YouTube on September 5th 2022, for its brand new deodorant. Said Ad featured a woman sitting up on her bed, masturbating to an online video on her laptop screen. This was reported by a mother, who's son saw this Ad as a preroll to a Minecraft video he was watching. The ASA then investigated the matter and found out that WILD Cosmetics in fact did not intend to target younger audiences with this Ad, the reason it was seen by the kid was because it was initially intended to be seen by the kids mother, however her son was watching a "DanTDM" Minecraft video using her account, leading the kid to see the inappropriate Ad.

The ASA then concluded that due to the Ad being shown on videos that are targeted towards children, WILD Cosmetics LTD was in breach of CAP Code (Edition 12) Rule 1.3, specifically on inappropriate advertising. The ASA then told WILD Cosmetics to ensure that their Ads were appropriately targeted, and that ads that were unsuitable for viewing by children, did not appear in media that was targeted towards children.

Wednesday 25 January 2023

Media Studies - Media Funding

 Mass media production

Commercial media corporations like Disney make money through subscriptions, pay per view, advertising, etc.

Not for profit media corporations like the BBC make money through Government funding and TV licenses

The BBC Charter is: "To enrich peoples lives with programs and services that inform, educate, and entertain.

1. Sustain citizenship and civil society
2. Promoting education and learning
3, Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence
4. Representing the UK, its nations, regions, and communities
5. Bringing the UK to the world, and the world to the UK.

Media funding, depending on who funds it, will effect how the specific form of media is produced, and what content is featured in it.

Caste study: Bluey (2018)

Bluey (2018) is a kids show created by the BBC and Australian Government, and since they are funded by the BBC/Australian government, they must thus follow the BBC charter of: "enriching peoples lives by providing programs that inform, educate, and entertain". This is done in Bluey consistently by including moral messages in episodes of the show, like the importance of working together/teamwork, trying new things and stepping our of your comfort zone, and even informative content for kids like to not go under the sun if you don't want your ice cream to melt.

Media Studies - Media Industry & Globalization

Movies are made in 3 different stages; the production stage, the distribution stage, and the exhibition stage.

Production includes the creation phase, which is essentially the shooting, casting, editing, etc, and is done by the production company of the movie.

Distribution is done by distributor companies who promote the movie using trailers, posters, interviews, social media, etc. They make the movie available for international audiences and edit them for countries with censorship laws. They create subtitles, set release dates, dub the movies, etc.

Profit split of ticket sales usually are split 50/50 between distributors and producers.

The exhibition portion of the movie is handled by distributors who share the movies to exhibitioners such as theatres, airlines, hotels, streaming services, in as many markets as possible. Only 30% of revenue from ticket sales actually go to cinemas.

Vertical Integration:
The process in which companies own all parts of the movie. i.e. Disney owns a distribution company, production company, and streaming services to exhibit the movie.

BARB (Broadcaster Audience Research Board)

BARB measure rating for TV platers, who use this info to decide whether to run shows, decide what time to play ads at, etc. This is becoming harder to measure due to new media.

Reach: How may people see something in their feed.
Views: How many people click on the content.
Engagement: how many people interact in some way the the content. i.e. commenting, sharing, liking, etc.

Globalization: Globalization in the process by which countries in the world and their inhabitants become more connected, example would be international trade, communication, and more.

Globalization has impacted the media in a myriad of ways, specifically though, global streaming services have been affected heavily. Some advantages and disadvantages of global streaming services include:

- More choices/variety for audiences to choose from
- Democratization of the mass media, which allows media companies to understand what audiences enjoy, and what they do not. This means more people get to have a say on what media corporations do.
- Cultural impact, more availability of different cultures in the media. Essentially, more representations of cultures.
- Indigenous media production; the process in which streaming services pay companies to make movies for a specific countries audience.

- Cultural imperialism; the process where people from different countries become influenced by mainstream media (English) in which local people and media conform to these mainstream expectations at the cost of losing their own cultures.

Media Studies - Media Ownership

 How does media ownership affect the way media is created?

According to James Curran & Jean Seaton:

- Mass media is influenced by political agendas and economic influences

- The digitization of the newspaper industry leads to journalists having less power, as editors can cut out and put in whatever they want.

- The mass media is operated and controlled by fewer and fewer companies

- Normal people have more power to change what appears in media.

Media Consolidation: 

Media Consolidation can be defined as the concentration of ownership of media sources.

In the US, 90% of media consumed is owner by just 6 companies; Viacom, Disney, Time warner, Comcast, News Crop, and Sony.

Some benefits of this may include customer convenience, less risk for the company (diversification of assets), greater market share, a larger audience (which leads to larger profits), a revitalization of struggling companies, and improved quality of media texts due to better funding.

However, this may also lead to a lack of competition, and thus to less innovation within the industry, leading to less innovation and more stale content.

This also leads to what is known as the illusion of choice. This means that although you have many options of media sources to choose from; since its all owned by the same company, all the messages and agendas broadcasted towards you are the same, just packaged differently.

Case studies: The Washington Post, Disney

Media ownership affects how media is created in multiple different ways. Depending on who/what owns the specific media, it leads to biasness in the news industry in how the news is reported, it affects how movies are produced based on the agendas of the owner/the company, and it affects how films are distributed towards foreign markets. These 3 subject matters will all be discussed in detail in this essay.

The news is one of the most affected forms of media when it comes to ownership. A prime example of how the ownership of media affects the media produced would be the Washington Post, which is owned by Amazon, which is owned by Jeff Bezos. In 2019, when Bezos' affair with news anchor Lauren Sanchez was uncovered, a myriad of media organizations reported negatively on the scandal, calling Bezos a liar, cheater, etc. However, the Washington Posts article on the matter painted him in a far more positive light, asking whether or not it was Bezos' fault, and always used a positive vocabulary to describe him. This, was obviously because he himself owned it, and would not want his own company to paint a negative picture of himself. 

The movie industry is also affected in a myriad of ways by the company that owns them, and what their agendas are. A perfect case study would be the Walt Disney corporation, and how in 2009, they bought Marvel Entertainment, giving them the rights to all of Marvels superhero's, comics, and material. This led to Marvel having to conform to the "Disney agenda" and Disney's view. This made Marvel Movies far more family friendly than what the source material originally depicted. For example, the large amounts of blood and gore in Marvel's comics essentially disappeared when the live action movies were released, as well as the sexualization of women being eradicated, which was almost a staple of most Marvel comics. This was all done to follow Disney's family friendly values.

Lastly, media ownership also affects how films are distributed to different markets across the globe. Once again, the Walt Disney company serves as a perfect example here. To reach larger audiences, Disney airs movies in different markets like China. To do this though, they must first edit the films to make them more appealing to the Chinese market. For example, how in Iron Man 3 (2013), a film produced and distributed by Disney, the movie shown in American and European theatres was different than the Iron Man 3 seen in China. This is because they added scenes of Iron Man being saved by a team of Chinese doctors. This paints China in a positive light and leads to the Chinese government being more inclined to show the movie in Chinese theaters, leading to a far larger reach for the movie, and thus more profits for Disney,

Tuesday 24 January 2023

Media Studies - Advertisement Exposure

Website: CNN

Advert: Hotel, Banner format - When clicked, it brings me to their website

Website: Yahoo Finance

Advert: Data provider, Banner format - When clicked, it brings me to their website

Website: Study With Mehar

Advert: Psychology Organization, Plain image with text - When clicked it brings me to their website

When my friends went to the same website, we all got the same ad. This may be because we are all psychology students and visit the website frequently.

Website: Papers GCE Guide

Advert: ACE Hardware, Banner format - When clicked it brings me to their website

When my friends went to the same website, they got different ads. One of my friends got an ad for a School, and another friend got an ad for a marketing site.

Monday 16 January 2023

Media Studies - Magazine Terminology



The top section of a newspaper which gives the paper’s title, price and date


Memorable phrase that is associated with the magazine.

Cover line

Titles of stories featured in the magazine 

Main cover line

The most important article featured, grabs the audience’s attention (featured article)

Main image

The dominant image on the cover


Used for retailers


A list of keywords featured at the top of the cover


The upper and left third are the most important. why?


An image of an item

Puff / Boxout

A smaller image/text to stand out from the rest of the information (puff=circle. boxout=square)


Exclusive, free, new, special edition


A block of colour with info inside, usually stretches the width of the cover



The top section of a newspaper which gives the paper’s title, price and date


Memorable phrase that is associated with the magazine.

Cover line

Titles of stories featured in the magazine 

Main cover line

The most important article featured, grabs the audience’s attention (featured article)

Main image

The dominant image on the cover


Used for retailers


A list of keywords featured at the top of the cover


The upper and left third are the most important. why?


An image of an item

Puff / Boxout

A smaller image/text to stand out from the rest of the information (puff=circle. boxout=square)


Exclusive, free, new, special edition


A block of colour with info inside, usually stretches the width of the cover

Wednesday 11 January 2023

Media Studies - Moonlight Sonata Production Behind The Scenes

This blog post (Written by me, Maxi) contains behind the scenes pictures (Taken by Nayana) of the production process of our film opening.

Here is the Google Drive link to ALL behind the scenes pictures & videos that were taken.

Scenes at Hazel's School (Regents School Bali - Shooting Day 1): 

Here we can see the images of the behind the scenes filming process of the scenes at Hazel's School. The images shown include the filming of Hazel's Teacher telling him to go back to his seat, Hazel playing the piano, Harmony's Introduction, Hazel's teacher starting the class, and Hazel's POV shot. Along with pictures of  us setting up the equipment, with the help of our teacher Mr. Nick. All the equipment used can be seen as well, which include the CN1200DH 5400K 72W & YN360 RGB LED 3200-5500K lighting panels, a Sony A7 camera with a Zeiss 24-70/F4.5 Lens, a MOZA AirCross camera stabilizer, a GODOX Gm55 4K HDMI camera monitor, a RĂ˜DE VideoMic, and more.

Scenes at Hazel's House (Jalan Belanjong No. 14 - Maxi's House - Shooting Day 2): 

Here are the images from the behind the scenes shots taken of the 2 young Hazels, in Hazels house, which feature Hazel first playing the piano, his mom recording him playing the piano, Hazel growing up, his mom getting more strict, as well as getting the actors used to the script, with young Hazel's actor being comforted by his mother. The equipment used remained the same.

Scenes at Hazel's House (Jalan Belanjong No. 14 - Maxi's House - Shooting Day 3): 

These images are from Day 3 of shooting, where we shot the scenes of Present Hazel at his house, where his mom begins strictness/anger really begins to prevail, and shows Hazel's loss of passion for the instrument, as well as the sadness/pain he has to go through now. These behind the scenes pictures show pictures we took as a team after we had just wrapped up shooting, props we had used, the set on the day, and the filming of multiple shots of present Hazel and his Mother.

Monday 9 January 2023

Media Studies - "Moonlight Sonata" Storyboard

 This is our teams storyboard for Moonlight Sonata's. This was created and drawn by Sharon.

The first draft: 

The final storyboard: 

Media Studies - "Moonlight Sonata" Final Screenplay

This blog post (Written by me, Maxi) features the final screenplay for Moonlight Sonata's opening credits.




NON-DIEGETIC piano music starts to play softly in background [Liebestraume, By FRANZ LISZT]




HAZEL is playing the piano joyfully as his MOM gives positive remarks while recording him with a camcorder. 

Keep going! You’re doing great!




HAZEL continues to play the piano, turning to his mother while smiling, as he now has 4 TROPHIES on his shelf and a picture of him with his mother, which shows Hazel holding a trophy.



HAZEL continues to play the piano, it can be seen he's lost his bright smile. There are now 10 TROPHIES on his shelf, with the picture of him and his mom now showing them holding a trophy together.



DOLLY of HAZEL still playing the piano. Dozens of trophies on his shelf can now be seen, with the picture of him and his mom now showing only his mom holding the trophy. He is now on the verge of tears as his mother berates him for his lousy playing.


CLOSE UP of MOTHER shouting at HAZEL

Do better! I know you can do better! Play faster or I'll get the ruler Hazel!


POV SHOT of HAZEL from the POV of the piano keys he is playing on.

HAZEL begins to tear up while his eyes turn red. However, he continues to play the piano.



NON-DIEGETIC piano music stops. Replaced by HAZEL’S diegetic playing.

MATCH CUT of HAZEL playing on his school’s music clubs’ piano -- continuing where the song left off in the previous scene. Tears are gone, only a sad expression is left on his face.


CLOSE UP of HAZEL’S hands, playing the piano from the side.

HAZEL continues to play, while his clubs’ teacher tells him to stop - however HAZEL is too focussed on playing to hear it.

[TEACHERS voice starts faded and gets clearer as he speaks]

(With increasing volume)
Hazel. Hazel. 



[Voice is now fully clear]



POV SHOT of HAZEL from the POV of the piano keys.

HAZEL’S eyes focus in and he jumps in his seat out of shock. He looks around in a confused daze, and then looks to his teacher.



Get back to your seat, Hazel.


MEDIUM CLOSE UP OF HAZEL, as he stands up from the piano chair. 


HAZEL walks to his desk, puts his bag on the ground, sits down, and lays his chin on his palm, as he stares off blankly into the distance.


TEACHER stands at the front of the class as he begins to introduce the music club's newest member.

Good afternoon everyone! Today we have a new student joining us in our music club!

TEACHER waves his hand in a “come here” motion towards HARMONY.






HARMONY is in the front of the class, about to introduce herself.

Hello everyone! My name is Harmony! It's a pleasure to meet you all! I'm 16 years old and I just moved here a couple days ago. 


HAZEL in the same position as before. Not paying attention to HARMONY, still staring blankly with his hand covering his mouth. Appears to be in deep thought.


Some things I like to do are to read books, go out to parks, and uhm… (pause)



A slight smile is brought to HARMONY’S face as she says her next words.

I love playing piano!



Piano music from earlier reaches its crescendo and is at its fastest pace.

HAZELS pupils swing widely towards HARMONY’S direction, in the front of the class.




Sunday 8 January 2023

Media Studies - Film Opening Progress/Feedback

This blog post features feedback from my team, my media studies teacher, and the development progress of my team's film opening. Written by me (Maxi)

29th December - Created first initial concept and screenplay for our first idea, "Lovesick".

19th January - Created 2 other concepts, "Moonlight Sonata" and "Mr Fahrenheit".

20th January - Started writing the screenplay for Moonlight Sonata, after receiving feedback from our teacher Mr Nick, who gave us multiple ideas about how meaning could be conveyed throughout the opening, as well as representations for the traits of our characters.

24th January - Finished final screenplay for Moonlight Sonata, and together as a team chose it to be the opening we will produce. We thought of many different names including "Liebestraum", "The First Verse", and "A Reignited Harmony", but ended up settling with our first decision due to its romantic connotations and its simplicity, as well as it being a famous piece by the legendary musician Beethoven himself, that may attract attention from fans of classical music.

27th January - Started storyboard for Moonlight Sonata. Storyboard was edited and developed very often as Sharon (the artist) and I had to work together alot to create a storyboard that suited the vision I had in mind.

10th February - Started Filming School Scenes for Moonlight Sonata. Timothy and I co-directed the shots, we experimented at first with videos taken on our phone, and progressed into using the real equipment we had rented, with the footage we got being more than satisfactory for both me and Timothy. Actors worked and cooperated well the entire time, with their performances being everything we wanted. All in all, the scenes I had imagined in my head had turned out even better than what I had expected. Images and pictures of the shooting process (behind the scenes) can be seen in a separate blogpost.

11th February - Started filming the scenes in Hazel's Home for Moonlight Sonata. As with the previous days shooting, we were able to effectively create the set by moving furniture all around the living room (in which the scene was set) and created the optimal environment for the shooting to take place in. Once again, actors worked well together and we were able to streamline the process to get all the shots we wanted in just under 2 hours.

12th February - Finished filming scenes in Hazels Home for Moonlight Sonata. Previously, we had only filmed the younger Hazel's as the present day Hazel's actor was not available. Today however, he was available, and due to our teamwork and cooperation we were once again able to attain the best shots we could take, and finish up the shooting process of Moonlight Sonata, and move onto the editing process.

3rd March - Timothy had finished the first draft of the film and from which we as a team gave feedback along with our teacher Mr Nick. Some scenes needed a bit of pace changing, including the credits scene, and some transitions. Timothy also experimented with adding a filter in the first shot, that made it look like it was shot from a old film camera. We decided this looked unprofessional, and told him to change it. Some scenes like where the Music Club's Teacher tells Hazel to stop playing the piano also needed to be edited as he was meant to be initially out of focus, and then move into focus, which Timothy hadn't done yet. As well as when the teacher starts the class, the ambient noise of students talking in the background suddenly disappeared, which we told him to keep - but just slowly fade out as the teacher keeps talking. Some lines were also cut out, including Harmony's "I love going to parks, reading books..." line, which we all agreed should be included to better the overall flow of the opening.  Hopefully by the next draft, all these issues will be mitigated.

9th March - Timothy finished the second draft of the film, from which we also decided to include more changes like removing a black screen between Hazel sitting down, and the music club teacher starting the club, as well as editing audio levels in the first shot of the film of Hazel's mother which was too loud, as well as minor details like the turning of Hazels head in Harmony's introduction, which we thought was too slow.

4th April - Our teacher Mr Nick decided to give us some final inputs which included removing background audio during the lines of Hazel's Mother (the noise of birds chirping in the background were picked up by the mic at the time, which we then re-recorded), as well as some lighting issues in the beginning of the film where Hazel is overexposed for a few seconds. Additionally, the position of the cast credits were brought in more to the center as we felt they were put too far into the corner. Lastly, the audio of students speaking in the background were removed for a few of the scenes at school, and audio for the scenes at school were toned down after we realized it was far too loud compared to the rest of the film.

Media Studies - Moonlight Sonata Development

This Blogpost (Written by me, Maxi) features the development of our film opening; Moonlight Sonata.

Note: We initially brainstormed the idea of Moonlight Sonata after having a conversation with our music teacher in which she told us how she wanted her kids to play the piano when they grew up. We then talked about the idea of making a film surrounding a kid who's mother had turned greedy and tried to abuse her child's talent, and how this killed his passion. We further thought that the best way to resolve this conflict would be the introduction of a love interest, who reignites the characters flame for the instrument. The title came from the well known piano piece by Beethoven, after our music teacher played it in the music room, and we decided that the name would fit the movie perfectly.

10 Possible movie titles:

  • Liebestraume
  • Harmony
  • A Reignited Harmony
  • Reignite
  • Perfect Imperfections
  • A Musical Match
  • The First Verse
  • The Duet
  • Two Halves Make a Whole
  • Moonlight Sonata

These titles all convey a sense of passion, connoting romance, and also incorporate subtle hints that music will play a role in the film. Moonlight sonata was our final choice; we chose this as our title as moonlight is commonly connoted with subjects of love and romance. While a sonata often is a long song that tells a story. Furthermore Moonlight Sonata is a well known song that may attract audiences that have interest in music/more specifically, classical music. Since our target audience is teenagers, male and female, and also people who enjoy playing music, I think this name will be able to capture their attention due to their interests.

What will be included in credits:

  • Production Company

    • Regents Media Production

  • Distribution company

    • 20th Century Studios

  • Production Team 

    • Producers: Timothy Sulaeman, Maximilian Gehlen, Sharon Tan, Nayana Sumaniaka

    • Director: Timothy Sulaeman

    • Screenwriter: Maximilian Gehlen

    • Creative Designer: Sharon Tan

    • Casting Director: Nayana Sumaniaka

  • Cast

    • Young Hazel: Timothy Mulia

    • Mother: Hawila Eva

    • Adolescent Hazel: Mathew Tan

    • Present Hazel: Danny Budiada

    • Teacher: Benjamin Whitaker

    • Harmony: Jasmine Riadi

    • Extras: Nicholas Mawardji, Elvina Ryanto, Nayana Sumaniaka, Michelle Darmawan, Eileen Milano, Charlene Crestella Wijaya

This cast was decided by all team members, and were based upon the visions we had for each characters personality and looks. Hazel's Mother is also the aforementioned music teacher who gave us the idea to make the film. Cast members were all contacted by Nayana, our casting director.

List of locations

  • Regents Secondary School Bali

  • Jalan Belanjong No. 14

These locations were chosen due to their availability, as shooting shots in our school would allow for all of us to gather easily as we could just start shooting once our classes had ended (the teacher in the film is also a teacher at our school, which makes it even easier as schedules are less likely to clash). One of the scenes in the movie also takes place in a school, and thus it makes sense we'd use our own school due to it having quite a fancy/posh facility, that would fit the film perfectly.

The other scene at Jalan Belanjong No. 14 is the address of my house. Shooting here is easy as I live there, and thus could arrange an appointment in which other cast members could come to my house quite easily. I own a piano and have a house with a very homey environment, as well as it being quite large, which allows us to shoot there easily.

Screenplay Development

Moonlight Sonata's screenplay can be seen in a separate blog post. The screenplay was written solely by me on the day we started brainstorming ideas for the movie. However, it was edited over and over until we arrived on the final version that the whole team was satisfied with around 5 days after creating the first draft.

Filming Process/Development

Day 1

Our team member Timo as mentioned in the team introduction is a video producer, which means he already had most of the equipment that we would need for the production process, including a SONY A7 Camera with a Zeiss 24-70/F4.5 Lens, and a MOZA AirCross Camera Stabilizer. The rest of the equipment however, we decided to rent. These pieces included a CN1200DH 5400K 72W & YongNuo 360 III RGB LED 3200-5500K Lighting Panels, and a GODOX Gm55 4K HDMI Camera monitor. We acquired our microphone (a RĂ˜DE VideoMic) from one of our classmates, who was kind enough to lend us his. We all agreed to split the prices of renting the equipment and believed that this would all be worth it to achieve our goal, which was to create the best possible film opening that we could. We had arranged three dates for which filming would occur. February 10th (School), February 11th (My house), and February 12th (My house). 

On February 10th, in our media class, we began setting up the equipment in the classroom which we would then transform into the music room (we did not want to use our actual schools music room due to the location being too cramped and not being ideal to shoot in in general). We took the equipment from Timothy's car and set it up in our media classroom, and later on moved it to our set.

In the images below we can see us grabbing and setting up the camera, mic, stabilizer, and monitor, as well as us on set with the lighting panels.

After setting everything up, we then decided to try and shoot some practice shots on our phones, where we then thought of what and what not to change. It also gave us the basic ideas of how we were going to shoot the real shots with the actual equipment.

This image shows a practice shot in which we were saying how Harmony's walk-in would look like on our phones, vs how we actually shot it with the real equipment. The output of this test-recording session can be seen in this drive link.

Practice shot (With Sharon as model)

Real Shot (With actor Jasmine May)

We did this for a multitude of other shots as well. In the actual shoot we took a variety of shots and takes, far more than what was detailed in the screenplay, just to see if it would look good/even better than what was in the screenplay. For example, we took shots in which the teacher was yelling Hazel's name while sitting down, and one where was standing up, as well as shots that focus solely on Hazel's hands playing the piano, which was also not detailed in the screenplay. These images can be seen here:

This then wrapped up our shooting for day 1, after getting more than 70 different takes, we were more than satisfied with how they turned out, with all actors performing incredibly well.

Day 2

Day 2 was February 11th, in which we had Young Hazel, Adolescent Hazel, and Hazel's mother on set with us at my house. Present Hazel could not join us on this day as there were scheduling conflicts/complications. Beforehand, my living room had to be completely rearranged as so that we would be able to shoot there. Once the living room was rearranged and all the equipment was set we then began shooting. Problems arose however due to the usage of younger actors (young hazel's actor was only 4 years old), which made it harder for us to give him stage directions and for him to act well. However even with those issues, we were able to get the shots we needed and finished the day satisfied with the shots we got. These images show the before/after pictures of how we had to rearrange the living room in order to film, as well as filming the shots of the 2 younger Hazel's.

Before Rearranging

After Rearranging

Day 3

On day 3. February 12th, we filmed the scene in Hazel's Home which featured him in the present, being scolded by his mother for his lousy playing, which shows how he has lost his passion for piano. Here, we decided that since we wanted to show how Hazel's mother had progressed into a more strict/angry mother, we dressed her in more formal attire, while also having her tie her hair, and to portray an aging effect, we colored her hair white using baby powder, to make her hair white. Furthermore, we wanted to convey Hazel's emotions by having a close up of him crying. Since it his hard for most people to cry on command, we applied eye drops to Hazel's actors' eyes to make his "crying" more realistic. We also experimented with different ways on how else to convey the progression of Hazel's piano skill. For this we decided to make Hazel wear more formal attire, as if he was about to go out for a competition. Thus, we made him wear a buttoned up shirt, with a watch and nice, long pants. After we had gotten all the shots we needed, the filming process was now done. Here are some pictures of the process including the application of baby powder, the props we had used throughout the shooting at Hazel's home, some more team pictures, and the shooting of Hazel's and his Moms' scenes.

Choosing of Typeface

After filming had finished, we began to decide what the typeface of our title card and our credit sequence would be. We researched the typefaces used by various films and shows of the drama and romance genre. These are the typeface's commonly used by these shows/films: 

Most use a form of all caps with white text, which we planned on doing in the first place. Some also use a handwritten font, which we decided against because it did not fit the overall effect our film is trying to convey. Handwritten text feels too casual and conveys a sense of childishness/immaturity, while the film is trying to be more serious and dramatic.

Here are a few examples of typefaces we experimented with for our title card. We also tried to add a glow effect on the text as well, as we believed it showed the same sense of glow people associated with the glow of moonlight. This adds extra meaning to the title of the film itself, as moonlight is commonly associated with ideas of romanticism. All of these fonts also denote a more serious tone that the movie is trying to convey.

This is a typeface that we believe perfectly conveys the sense of seriousness, as well as still incorporating the ideas of having a glowing effect that represents the glow of moonlight. This typeface is also more elegant, which goes with the overall atmosphere of the film too. The use of all caps also creates a more serious/dramatic effect that we wanted to convey. All in all, we chose this as our final typeface we would use as the title screen.

Post Production Process

After Timothy had edited his first draft, there were multiple things that we wanted to change. Some of the things he originally included were a filter for the first shot  of young hazel, which was supposed to show that it was footage from that time period. However, we as a team decided that it wasn't appropriate for the scene and that it didn't look good. Another change was how the music club teachers audio wasn't muffled when he starts talking, which we thought was better if it was muffled to show that our main character was too focussed on playing the piano to hear him. 

After that, to fix continuity issues, we included background audio in the classroom of other students talking when the music club teacher started the class, as beforehand the audio cut out once he started talking. This didn't make sense as students generally don't stop talking even if a teacher would start the class, and so we added it throughout the scene. Other than that, we originally planned to have the title card appear as the soundtrack hit its crescendo. However, after testing it out, the pacing of the film didn't match the fast pace of the songs crescendo, thus we replaced it with a slower part of the song, which we believe still fits quite well. Lastly, we weren't able to include a close up of Hazel's mother when she yells at her, as our running time was far too long at that point, which means we weren't able to show her costume and facial expressions, however we still convey her increased strictness by the intonation of her voice and how much angrier she is.