Wednesday 25 January 2023

Media Studies - Media Funding

 Mass media production

Commercial media corporations like Disney make money through subscriptions, pay per view, advertising, etc.

Not for profit media corporations like the BBC make money through Government funding and TV licenses

The BBC Charter is: "To enrich peoples lives with programs and services that inform, educate, and entertain.

1. Sustain citizenship and civil society
2. Promoting education and learning
3, Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence
4. Representing the UK, its nations, regions, and communities
5. Bringing the UK to the world, and the world to the UK.

Media funding, depending on who funds it, will effect how the specific form of media is produced, and what content is featured in it.

Caste study: Bluey (2018)

Bluey (2018) is a kids show created by the BBC and Australian Government, and since they are funded by the BBC/Australian government, they must thus follow the BBC charter of: "enriching peoples lives by providing programs that inform, educate, and entertain". This is done in Bluey consistently by including moral messages in episodes of the show, like the importance of working together/teamwork, trying new things and stepping our of your comfort zone, and even informative content for kids like to not go under the sun if you don't want your ice cream to melt.

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