Tuesday 31 January 2023

Media Studies - Media Regulation (ASA)

 In the media industry, regulation is done to protect the people from content deemed threatening, in appropriate, etc, by governments organizations all over the world.

In the UK, these organizations include:
IPSO - For the Radio
OFCOM - For television
ASA - For Adverts

Specifically, the ASA censors and takes down inappropriate or misleading advertisements from the internet or Television. Or, they only allow these ads in certain periods of time, i.e. after watershed hours are over. The UK has watershed hours in which only family friendly content and ads are to be shown, as these are the hours in which kids are most likely watching TV (5:30 AM - 9:00 PM).

Case Study: The ASA ordered a ruling on a deodorant advertisement broadcasted by WILD Cosmetics LTD, due to inappropriate content and irresponsible advertising.

Government organizations take action against advertisers who publish explicit content and advertise them to inappropriate audiences. An example of this would be how the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) took action against WILD Cosmetics LTD, who published an online advertisement on YouTube on September 5th 2022, for its brand new deodorant. Said Ad featured a woman sitting up on her bed, masturbating to an online video on her laptop screen. This was reported by a mother, who's son saw this Ad as a preroll to a Minecraft video he was watching. The ASA then investigated the matter and found out that WILD Cosmetics in fact did not intend to target younger audiences with this Ad, the reason it was seen by the kid was because it was initially intended to be seen by the kids mother, however her son was watching a "DanTDM" Minecraft video using her account, leading the kid to see the inappropriate Ad.

The ASA then concluded that due to the Ad being shown on videos that are targeted towards children, WILD Cosmetics LTD was in breach of CAP Code (Edition 12) Rule 1.3, specifically on inappropriate advertising. The ASA then told WILD Cosmetics to ensure that their Ads were appropriately targeted, and that ads that were unsuitable for viewing by children, did not appear in media that was targeted towards children.

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