Wednesday 25 January 2023

Media Studies - Media Industry & Globalization

Movies are made in 3 different stages; the production stage, the distribution stage, and the exhibition stage.

Production includes the creation phase, which is essentially the shooting, casting, editing, etc, and is done by the production company of the movie.

Distribution is done by distributor companies who promote the movie using trailers, posters, interviews, social media, etc. They make the movie available for international audiences and edit them for countries with censorship laws. They create subtitles, set release dates, dub the movies, etc.

Profit split of ticket sales usually are split 50/50 between distributors and producers.

The exhibition portion of the movie is handled by distributors who share the movies to exhibitioners such as theatres, airlines, hotels, streaming services, in as many markets as possible. Only 30% of revenue from ticket sales actually go to cinemas.

Vertical Integration:
The process in which companies own all parts of the movie. i.e. Disney owns a distribution company, production company, and streaming services to exhibit the movie.

BARB (Broadcaster Audience Research Board)

BARB measure rating for TV platers, who use this info to decide whether to run shows, decide what time to play ads at, etc. This is becoming harder to measure due to new media.

Reach: How may people see something in their feed.
Views: How many people click on the content.
Engagement: how many people interact in some way the the content. i.e. commenting, sharing, liking, etc.

Globalization: Globalization in the process by which countries in the world and their inhabitants become more connected, example would be international trade, communication, and more.

Globalization has impacted the media in a myriad of ways, specifically though, global streaming services have been affected heavily. Some advantages and disadvantages of global streaming services include:

- More choices/variety for audiences to choose from
- Democratization of the mass media, which allows media companies to understand what audiences enjoy, and what they do not. This means more people get to have a say on what media corporations do.
- Cultural impact, more availability of different cultures in the media. Essentially, more representations of cultures.
- Indigenous media production; the process in which streaming services pay companies to make movies for a specific countries audience.

- Cultural imperialism; the process where people from different countries become influenced by mainstream media (English) in which local people and media conform to these mainstream expectations at the cost of losing their own cultures.

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