Sunday 8 January 2023

Media Studies - Film Opening Progress/Feedback

This blog post features feedback from my team, my media studies teacher, and the development progress of my team's film opening. Written by me (Maxi)

29th December - Created first initial concept and screenplay for our first idea, "Lovesick".

19th January - Created 2 other concepts, "Moonlight Sonata" and "Mr Fahrenheit".

20th January - Started writing the screenplay for Moonlight Sonata, after receiving feedback from our teacher Mr Nick, who gave us multiple ideas about how meaning could be conveyed throughout the opening, as well as representations for the traits of our characters.

24th January - Finished final screenplay for Moonlight Sonata, and together as a team chose it to be the opening we will produce. We thought of many different names including "Liebestraum", "The First Verse", and "A Reignited Harmony", but ended up settling with our first decision due to its romantic connotations and its simplicity, as well as it being a famous piece by the legendary musician Beethoven himself, that may attract attention from fans of classical music.

27th January - Started storyboard for Moonlight Sonata. Storyboard was edited and developed very often as Sharon (the artist) and I had to work together alot to create a storyboard that suited the vision I had in mind.

10th February - Started Filming School Scenes for Moonlight Sonata. Timothy and I co-directed the shots, we experimented at first with videos taken on our phone, and progressed into using the real equipment we had rented, with the footage we got being more than satisfactory for both me and Timothy. Actors worked and cooperated well the entire time, with their performances being everything we wanted. All in all, the scenes I had imagined in my head had turned out even better than what I had expected. Images and pictures of the shooting process (behind the scenes) can be seen in a separate blogpost.

11th February - Started filming the scenes in Hazel's Home for Moonlight Sonata. As with the previous days shooting, we were able to effectively create the set by moving furniture all around the living room (in which the scene was set) and created the optimal environment for the shooting to take place in. Once again, actors worked well together and we were able to streamline the process to get all the shots we wanted in just under 2 hours.

12th February - Finished filming scenes in Hazels Home for Moonlight Sonata. Previously, we had only filmed the younger Hazel's as the present day Hazel's actor was not available. Today however, he was available, and due to our teamwork and cooperation we were once again able to attain the best shots we could take, and finish up the shooting process of Moonlight Sonata, and move onto the editing process.

3rd March - Timothy had finished the first draft of the film and from which we as a team gave feedback along with our teacher Mr Nick. Some scenes needed a bit of pace changing, including the credits scene, and some transitions. Timothy also experimented with adding a filter in the first shot, that made it look like it was shot from a old film camera. We decided this looked unprofessional, and told him to change it. Some scenes like where the Music Club's Teacher tells Hazel to stop playing the piano also needed to be edited as he was meant to be initially out of focus, and then move into focus, which Timothy hadn't done yet. As well as when the teacher starts the class, the ambient noise of students talking in the background suddenly disappeared, which we told him to keep - but just slowly fade out as the teacher keeps talking. Some lines were also cut out, including Harmony's "I love going to parks, reading books..." line, which we all agreed should be included to better the overall flow of the opening.  Hopefully by the next draft, all these issues will be mitigated.

9th March - Timothy finished the second draft of the film, from which we also decided to include more changes like removing a black screen between Hazel sitting down, and the music club teacher starting the club, as well as editing audio levels in the first shot of the film of Hazel's mother which was too loud, as well as minor details like the turning of Hazels head in Harmony's introduction, which we thought was too slow.

4th April - Our teacher Mr Nick decided to give us some final inputs which included removing background audio during the lines of Hazel's Mother (the noise of birds chirping in the background were picked up by the mic at the time, which we then re-recorded), as well as some lighting issues in the beginning of the film where Hazel is overexposed for a few seconds. Additionally, the position of the cast credits were brought in more to the center as we felt they were put too far into the corner. Lastly, the audio of students speaking in the background were removed for a few of the scenes at school, and audio for the scenes at school were toned down after we realized it was far too loud compared to the rest of the film.

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