Saturday 13 January 2024

Media Studies - COMP 3 Music Video Post Production Feedback & Changes

This blogpost, written by me (Maxi), explains the changes that were made to our music video during the post production stage, from the feedback we received from our teacher Mr. Nick, throughout the drafts of our music video that we presented him.

Shooting for our music video concluded on the 13th of February, afterwhich Timo began editing together all the shots we had gotten, picking out the best ones and flowing shots together to create the music video. In total, we had 3 different drafts of our music video, where each time we improved it by listening to feedback from our teacher Mr. Nick. The information below explains the details of each draft, the feedback we received, and the changes we made in the draft following.

First Draft: 

The first Draft of our music video can be seen in this google drive link. We showed this draft to Mr. Nick on the 16th of February, and were then given the following remarks:

Teacher Feedback: 

- When we cut from the establishing shot to our first scene (0:00 - 0:07) of KIARA lip-syncing, we should cut directly to when she starts singing the 1st verse, not at "Oh, not another take", as it will create a bigger reveal of the artist to the audience, since cutting at "Oh, not another take" is a bit underwhelming.

- The lighting during the scene where KIARA does her make up looks dark, and is a bit hard to see.

- The pacing of the scene in which KIARA's ex shows up at the villa (0:28 - 0:40) is a bit too fast. Too many shots are used, which thus means cuts between shots happen too often for the pace of the song. Some shots (like the shot in which we show what's written on the bouquet) are also on screen for too little time, when they should be on it for longer. 

- In the scenes where KIARA and her friends are seen pillow fighting (0:41 - 0:54), 2 shots are included in which the practical effect of feathers flying in the air were used. The 2nd shot feels out of place, and only 1 should be used instead. The slow-mo effect used in some of the pillow fight scenes also don't feel slow enough, and feel like theres too much going on.

Second Draft: 

The second draft of our music video can be seen in this google drive link. This was made after applying the following changes to the first draft:

Changes we made: 

- As per the feedback we were given from the first draft, the establishing shot now cuts directly to her lip-syncing to the first verse. (0:00 - 0:08)

- Removed a few shots from the scene where KIARA's ex apologizes, which makes the scene run far smoother, and flow at a better pace. (0:24 - 0:39)

- Removed the 2nd shot of the feathers flying around the girls, now only using a slightly longer version of the 1st one. Also applied a heaver slow-mo on the pillow fight scenes, which should make them feel more fitting to the pacing of the song (0:41 - 0:54)

However, we did not decide to alter the lighting of the make-up scene, since this was an intended decision. The reasoning behind it is since it occurs before KIARA cuts off her ex boyfriend, we wanted to show that her life had not fully been freed yet, and thus wanted to show the contrast between the dark scenes before she rejects her ex, vs the scenes directly after in which the video's lighting becomes much brighter and vibrant.

We then showed this version to Mr. Nick once again, and received further remarks about what details could be improved:

Teacher Feedback: 

- Should consider adding a title card that says "Feather, by KIARA" for a couple seconds during the establishing shot (0:00 - 0:07)

- During the scene in which jump cuts were used to show the girls changing outfits, there is a slight gap in between when the girls enter and when they leave the room (1:14 - 1:16). This looks a bit out of place, and leaves an awkward bit of empty space. 

- In the scene where we see KIARA's ex texting her over and over again (1:42 - 1:46), the shot includes a typo, where he says "i moss you so much" instead of "i miss you so much"

- In the end, after KIARA blows a kiss to the camera, theres a black screen that lasts for 4 seconds, which is a bit too long. (3:01 - 3:05)

Final Draft: 

The third and final draft of our music video can be seen in this google drive link. This was made after we applying the following changes to the second draft: 

Changes we made: 

- Added a title card for a few seconds during the establishing shot which reads "Feather", using the same font we use in the cover of our digipak, which adds continuity and builds a stronger brand connection for KIARA.

- Removed the gap of time between jump cuts where the girls change form pajamas to their summer outfits. This makes the scene look less awkward and flow smoother.

- Changed the shot where KIARA's ex texts her, using a different part of the footage we got where there were no typos in the texts.

- Shortened the black screen at the end of the video.

Following this, we once again showed the video to our teacher Mr. Nick. He was very satisfied with the changes that we were able to make, and believed that the editing choices and chosen shots had come together to create a great music video. We all agreed, and were satisfied with the final draft, and decided that we didn't need any more changes, and that this is what we would upload as KIARA's music video for Feather.


Through receiving feedback from our teacher and creating multiple drafts, we were able to apply various improvements and changes throughout the post production process. This feedback allowed us to improve our music video in various aspects, since we were given opinions from an outside source, in this case our teacher, who was able to spot out details that we may have missed. Overall, receiving this feedback proved very useful, as our music video looks much better now after the improvements we made because of it. 

Although I was not the one editing the video, I was still able to help Timo in the editing process, providing him with ideas for what shots to include to make the video better and apply the feedback we were given, since I was helping him in the directing process and knew exactly what shots we had gotten throughout the filming process.

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