Thursday 19 October 2023

Media Studies - COMP 3 Licensing Request Email

This blogpost, written by me (Maxi), showcases the request which we sent towards our artists record label, asking for permission to use their music in our Component 3 project.

As outlined in our statement of intent, the song we chose to use for our music video was "Feather", by Sabrina Carpenter. Through conducting some research, Sharon found that Carpenter was signed to Universal Music Group, a dutch-american record label. We went onto their website and found an e-mail address that would allow us to contact them and enquire on whether we could license their music for our school project. The e-mail address listed was "". After obtaining this e-mail, I then on behalf of my team, contacted UMG about the possibility of using Carpenter's "Feather". The e-mail I sent can be seen below.


Although it is highly unlikely that contacting UMG will lead to us even receiving a response, not to mention the rights to actually license one of their artists' songs, by following official procedures that are followed in the media industry, we can learn about what is expected regarding the level of professionalism in the industry, and gain experience for scenarios in the future where gaining the rights to use a private corporations intellectual property will actually be something we must consider in the production of a project. Overall, this has helped me gain insight into what it actually feels like to correspond with and write professional e-mails to large corporations, and hope to get better at this as I move on in life, since it is quite a valuable skill to have.

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