Friday 20 October 2023

Media Studies - Quick Cut Editing

This Blogpost features my experimentation using quick cuts, an editing form that we may use in our music video. Timo recorded the videos and edited them while I gave ideas and played the actor.

Quick cutting can be defined as a film editing technique which refers to several consecutive shots of a brief duration. It can be used to quickly convey much information, or to imply either energy or chaos. It can be used to portray boring tasks as energetic and exciting, which we've done in this example. 

In the following video, it is showcased how we've used quick cuts to show our character arriving late to school. Overall, I think the video and edits effectively portray the panic the character feel and his efforts of trying to get to school on time. It also provides comedic effect in combination with the audio effects we chose to put it with.  This type of editing is definitely something we could use in our music video to connote a more friendly and more relaxed environment that audiences may find easier to watch/relate to.


I believe that this video is able to effectively showcase quick cuts. However, something I feel we may have wanted to do differently in the video would've been to have more consistent lighting, as some parts of the video felt too dark, while others felt very bright. We will consider this in our music video's production and make sure our lighting is even and fits the emotions we try to portray in each shot. We will also consider whether there will be any shots in our music video in which quick cutting would be a beneficial editing technique we could use, however since quick cuts are generally not conventionally seen in music videos, we may not find a place to use them.

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