Wednesday 21 December 2022

Media Studies - Film Opening Diary and Plan (COMP 1)

This blog post features my (Maxi) diary and plan for my teams film opening.


To Do...Deadline
Week 1
Form a groupWeek 1
Research: 2 in detail, 8 not much detail.End of Week 3
Start diary
Week 2
Plan (story board/script/idea outline)End of Week 4
Week 3
Plan (story board/script/idea outline)End of Week 4
Week 4
Plan (story board/script/idea outline)End of Week 4
Week 5
CreateEnd of Week 7
Week 6
CreateEnd of Week 7
Social Media Page + ResearchEnd of Week 7
Week 7
EditEnd of Week 8
Week 8
EditEnd of Week 8
Self Reflection (Prezi)
1st draft before meeting
Week 9
Meeting with Mr Nick
Week 10
Deadline (Wed 15th March)


Week 1 - 13/1/23

This week we learned about media industry and how vertical integration is used in media corporations, along with the effects of globalisation on the industry. I also finished my research post and did 3 pieces of extended research along with 6 pieces of short research for a total of 9 openings analysed. I also chose my team for the project, and are planning to do a romance/drama film opening.

Week 2 - 20/1/23

This week we researched magazine covers and their properties. We also brainstormed ideas of movie names, openings, and more, and finished a screenplay for our first movie opening concept Lovesick, while also simultaneously working on our 2 other ideas Moonlight Sonata and Mr. Fahrenheit. We also learned about media ownership.

Week 3 - 27/1/22

This week we learned about media funding, started our storyboard, finalized our cast, and chose a song for our soundtrack. We also began discussing the logistics for our shooting.

Week 4 - 03/2/23

This week we learned about how governments regulate the media. We made significant progress for our storyboard but are not yet finished. We have casted all except one of our cast members and we chose our 2 final shooting locations. Lastly we finalized our development and set the order in which our credits will appear.

Week 5 - 10/2/23 

This week we created the set for our film opening and we plan to start shooting some scenes today. We learnt more about media industry. We explored different types of lighting, rented equipment and tried out different shots for our scenes. We also finished the storyboard.

Week 6 - 17/2/23

This week we finished all shooting for the film and moved on to the other details like choosing an accurate/fitting typeface for the film.

Week 7 - 24/2/23

This week the editing of the film began, and have finished up to 75%, with only color grading and the actual credits left. Furthermore we revised over media industry and did exam questions on synergy and the downsides of large corporations in media.

Week 8 - 3/3/23

In this week we finished our first draft for Moonlight Sonatas opening, but hope to refurbish and edit some aspects to have a final product done by week 9. Other than that, we also received feedback from Mr Nick, and started writing our crititcal self reflections. Lastly, we reviewed over some topics of media industry.

Week 9 - 10/3/23

This week I received feedback from Mr. Nick on my critical self reflection, which I took and edited my self reflection based on that, and also decided to change some details after Timothy showed us the final draft, including the removal of a black screen, alignment of text, audio levels, and color grading.

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