Monday 31 October 2022

Media Studies - Radio Tutorial

This video was recorded and uploaded by me (Maxi).

In todays lesson, we were given a tour and explanation on how to use our schools podcast room, that we can use for the recording of our Radio Show. We learnt the differences between different type's of inputs and cables like Headphone jacks, all combo jacks, etc. We learnt about different types of microphones specifically condenser and dynamic microphones that use XLR cables to connect to a Audio Mixer or interface, which then connects to a computer, phone, etc. Condenser microphones require Phantom Power that can be received from audio interfaces or mixers. Condenser microphones detect and receive audio inputs from all sides of the microphones while dynamic microphones detect audio from only 1 side of the microphone, usually the top. 

Here is a video of a teacher explaining the equipment: Wario Teaches a class on how to use Audio Equipment 

Media Studies - Impact of New Technologies on Video Games

 Video Games

noun - Video Game: a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen.

Ease of Accessibility 

Arcade games like Pong and Pacman existed longer than most may believe. In around the 1980's, arcade games were usually single player, and could only be played AT arcades. Compare this to modern video games today, they can be played anywhere, anytime, as long as the player has a stable internet connection and a working console/computer. This has made video games more accessible and more popular where games like Fortnite, released by Epic Games LTD. in 2017, a free to play game of the battle royale genre has had over 350 million downloads over the course of the 5 years it's been released. This can b attributed mainly to how easy it is to download the game, simply having to click a few buttons on their computer and have the game ready in minutes.

Evolution of Graphics

Another thing we can look at is the evolution of graphics in video games. As previously mentioned, games in the 80's - 90's were quite unpleasing to the eyes to look at. No more than 10,000 pixels were usually shown on screen, for example the video game Super Mario Bros. Compare ths to a game like Overwatch, released by Blizzard Entertainment in 2016, has been rate by critics and fans to have "one of the best graphics of any video game of the shooter genre". This evolution in graphics and visuals has appealed to audiences as the beauty, realism, and prowess of the visuals in these games have influenced many people to download them and see what all the hype is about.


The term in app purchases refers to micro-transactions that can be made within the game itself for either in-game currency that may help the player progress in the game, or in-game items/cosmetics that serve no competitive advantage to the player and are only for "style points". These transactions allow the player to send real money to the video game companies through bank transactions, paypal, credit cards, etc. This is a more modern concept as video games that existed in the 80's-90's had not even the slightest version of in-app-purchases. This ability to spend "real life" money on a virtual world, (i.e video games like Counter Strike-Global Offensive, released by the Valve Corporation in 2012 that has captivated its users, in which Valve have made a gross profit of over 2.3 Billion USD in the purchase of Weapon Skins by players)  create a heightened sense of addiction to the game, as players have now spent real money on the game, and it'd be considered a "waste" to stop playing/quit once players have done so.

Monday 24 October 2022

Media Studies - News Agenda's/News Values

Media companies that publish news reports and articles shown on news websites all have their own ideas and beliefs that they want their audience/viewers to believe. Choosing these agendas are called agenda setting. The people that decide what/how things are shown in news reports and called media gatekeepers and include writers, editors, governments, companies, etc. 

Some of these news value can be adapted to specific sectors such as entertainment magazines, celebrity magazines, fashion and trend-based websites. Their ideology may be very different to a mainstream news provider. News providers of all kinds select the news that they believe to be most relevant to their audiences in order to maintain them. This is sometimes offset against the demands of ownership and control as well as advertisers. 

News stories are selected based on;

1. Negativity

‘Hard’ News - bad news will almost always be prioritised. 

2. Proximity

Things that happen close to home (domestic news) or that involve people from a local area.

3. Recency 

“Breaking News’

4. Currency

The ‘value’ of a story. If it is useful for people. 

5. Continuity

Stories that are likely to continue for a long time.

6. Simplicity

The easier the story is to understand, the better. 

7. Personality

Often ‘soft’ news surrounds personalities in whom the public has an interest eg. Royal family, celebrities, athletes

8. Uniqueness

If a story is unusual or surprising 

9. Expectedness

Includes diary events - things that happen at a particular time of the year. 

10. Elite nations/people

Western societies such as European countries and the USA will tend to dominate the news. 

11. Exclusivity

When a news channel has footage or information that is not yet in possession of others. 

12. Threshold

How many people are impacted on by an event.

Real Life Example:


This is a screenshot from Indonesian News Website owned by PT Trans Corporation that focusses on current affairs in and out of Indonesia. From this screenshot, articles presented mainly talk about ongoing political parties bids for the 2024 national election and their candidates. There are also articles talking about Chinese tech companies and Soccer. I believe these articles were chosen to be shown due to their recency, as the election bids are happening right now, continuity, as the election and the news that surround it is going to continue until 2024, proximity, as these are events that are currently going on in Indonesia, and currency, as people's lives might very well be affected depending on which parties/candidates win the most seats in the Indonesian House of Representatives.


This is a screenshot from American media/news corporation CNN (Cable News Network),  a part of Warner Bros. Discovery LTD. Articles shown present a wide array of topics such as the war with Ukraine, Chinese President Xi Jing Ping's rise in power, and the UK's new prime minister Rishi Sunak. Specifically, taking a look at the primary article of US Joint chief of Staff Mark Milley having a meeting with Chief of Russian General staff Valery Gerasimov on the US's support on the war with Ukraine. This article was most likely chosen due to its proximity, as it talks about an important member of the US government having a meeting with a Russian government official, even though they're discussing affairs involving different countries. Other factors may include continuity, as the war in Ukraine is most likely to last for a long time, negativity, as wars generally connote negative emotions like fear and panic, and currency as the war in Ukraine is a hot international affair that is currently effecting the lives of billions across the globe.

Tuesday 18 October 2022

Media Studies - What We Do In The Shadows (2019) - Binary Opposites & 5 Narrative Codes

What we do in the shadows
What We Do In The Shadows is an American mockumentary, comedy-horror television series created by Jemaine Clement that premiered March 27, 2019, on the FX channel. The series follows four vampire roommates in Staten Island, and stars Kayvan Novak, Matt Berry, Natasia Demetriou, Harvey Guillén, and Mark Proksch.

The first episode introduces us to the main cast of characters, Guillermo (Harvey Guillén), who is a human who serves as Nandor the Vampire's (Kavyan Noyak) familiar, which is the shows interpretation/representation for what is essentially a slave who serves a Vampire. We are also introduced to 3 of Nandor's vampire companions/housemates, Lazslo (Matt Berry), Nadja (Natasia Demetriou), and Colin (Mark Proksch). The pilot episode follows them around the house, introduces us to who the characters are and how they got to where they are, and shows their day-to-day routine around Staten island.

After watching the pilot episode, we can identify the key binary opposites and narrative codes that the producers have used to convey meaning. First of all, the binary opposites include:

Supernatural vs. Natural

This is primarily shown by Nandor and Guillera. Nandor can be described as a supernatural being due to him being a vampire. Vampire's are often are immortal, and have superhero-like powers. Compare this to a human like Guillero who is just a natural being/person caught up in the life of vampires, we can clearly see how he appears weak and powerless compared to someone like Nandor, Nadja, Lazslo or even Colin. This comparison also applies to all the other humans that appear in the episode, especially the ones that were eaten and killed by Nadja and Lazslo. The humans' helplessness and inability to stand their ground against a vampire truly portrays and conveys how weak we humans really are.

Owner vs. Slave

This pair of opposites is most clearly shown by Nandor, who figuratively and literally owns Guillera. Guillera himself even describes himself NOT as Nandor's helper, but as his slave. This is further conveyed by the way Guillera treats Nandor and how he is shown to be afraid of him, and the way he respects him. Guillera would do anything Nandor asked him to and bend to his knee whenever, for whatever. Compare this to Nandor who is fearless, confident, and egotistical, the producers clearly convey how they want us to differentiate our opinions of the two characters.

Monogomy vs. Adultery (Loyalty vs. Faithlessness)

Monogomy and adultery are also a pair of opposites at work during the episode. Most clearly shown by Guillera, who is the embodiment of loyalty, and could be said as monogomous, as he would quite literally take a bullet for Nandor to save his life, compared to someone like Nadja, or Lazslo, who disregard any sense of devotion as their concepts of relationships and loyalty have been so derailed that adultery and cheating have become commonplace in their relationship.

Modernism vs. Traditionalism

This pair of opposites is heavily featured throughout the episode as we witness the stark contrast between the traditional Victorian era vampires who are stuck up on their old fashioned ways, and the world around them that has progressed and evolved far more than they have, without them realizing. For example, the usage of credit cards for payment, automobiles for transportation, etc, and how the vampires seem clueless/unwilling to accept how the world has changed.

The narrative codes that are used include:

Proairetic code

Proaretic/action codes that are used throughout the episode include the vampires bickering and arguing with each other, Nadja and Lazslo killing humans and sucking their blood, Nadja stalking Jeff and many more. All these codes are used to propel the plot forward in some way by leading to unforeseen consequences and thus even more proaretic codes.

Hermeneutic code

The hermeneutic code featured throughout the episode involve the suspense and mystery created by wanting to know "What's in the letter?", "Who's being kept in the basement?", and "Who is the Baron?"

Semantic code

Semantic code that is incorporated in the episode include the vampires talking with heavy accents. This conveys how they are not in their natural environment and how they are outsiders here in Staten Island.

Symbolic code

Symbolic code is shown throughout the episode quite frequently and include the clothes that the vampires wear, vampires sucking blood, having fangs, and vampires not being able to withstand sunlight. All these codes have been built over the course of decades upon decades that they have become the norm and have essentially led the audience to become desensitized to what these characteristics and behaviour's of vampries. Having fangs and wearing dark clothes all represent how vampires should be seen as scary and evil, this is common knowledge to many and seeing this trope repeated again and again over the course of the last century has led to people expecting these traits and characteristics.

Cultural code

The cultural codes that one must understand before indulging into the episode/show heavily relate to the concepts and ideas of vampires. This "vampire culture" has existed for over a century ever since the first vampire stories were created. Thus, to understand the plotline, and the characters themselves, one must have a preconception of what vampires are like from media such as the Twilight series, the Hotel Transylvania series, Dracula, Vampire diaries, etc. The ideas of what vampires look like, the fact that they drink blood, can turn into bats, etc, would not make sense unless you are familiarized with the cultural codes of vampires created by the media throughout the last century.

Media Studies - Personal Identity (David Gauntlet) - Music Genres and Youth

The Arctic Monkeys are an English Rock band created in the early 2000's, but have found a surge in popularity in the last 2 years, and especially in 2022 with their songs being used as "Sounds" on the social media app TikTok. 

The music they create has often been said to have a certain "aesthetic" that forms a masculine and attractive aura. Through videos posted on TikTok that use their music, people who listen to the Arctic Monkeys are often described to be cool, mysterious, and attractive. This is largely due to the face/main-man of the band, Alex Turner, who is the bands main singer and guitarist. The bands most famous and recognizable song "Do I Wanna Know" has captivated the entire generation and has completely changed the way most people see guitarist and musicians. As previously mentioned, "Do I Wanna Know", and more specifically the opening guitar riff, has been associated with allure, mystery, glamour, and charm.

The youth are currently being heavily influenced by the music and aesthetic of Alex Turner, the Arctic monkeys and the music they produce as the standards for men, masculinity, and what is seen as attractive, is being changed by the second with the enchanting music they produce.

This picture of Alex Turner/The Arctic Monkeys at one of their shows visualizes and represents the main focus of the zeitgeist following the band, the messy hair, the guitar, the half buttoned up shirt, all incorporate what young people these days find so attractive in men.

This Cover of an edition of Icon Magazine, published by Grande Parade LTD, featuring Alex Turner further constructs the idea of "modern masculinity". As we can see, in the picture, Turner is not shown as ripped, fit, or with pumped muscles, but still would be considered the definition of attractiveness for most youths today. The preferred reading of this would be that Turner is mysterious, attractive, charming, cool, and that the audience wants to be like him. The oppositional reading however would suggest that he looks like a homeless person, he's a twig, he doesn't have any masculine characteristics whatsoever, and that he looks like a loser. In the middle, the negotiated reading would suggest he seems cold, not masculine, but still attractive, and that he looks "detached".

Sunday 16 October 2022

Media Studies - Jump Cuts

 In this lesson, we learned what jump cuts are, how they can be used to convey meaning like emotions, style, energy and the passage of time, and created a video using jump cuts ourselves. 

Video link: Jump Cuts 


The first jump cut example is to simply create a stylish presentation. Think of the opening character introductions in Guy Ritchie’s Snatch and how the jump cuts create a rhythm and style that lures us into this darkly comedic yet dangerous criminal underworld. We can also look at Terrence Malick’s films like The Tree of Life, a film presented as more of a memory and/or dream. In this case, we can see how to use jump cuts to create a lyrical or poetic narrative that isn’t beholden to strict and rigid structures.


The second jump cut example is used to create energy. Consider Run, Lola, Run and how our main character’s frantic race against time is accelerated by jump cuts. Or what about Mad Max: Fury Road where the action is adrenalized by cutting out nearly imperceptible frames.


Closely related to this jump cut technique is when they are used to accent a particular mental state or emotion. Usually, this is a frenetic or fragmented frame of mind, which is a perfect opportunity for some creative jump cut tricks. Think of the moment in The Departed when Billy realizes his cover may have been blown. He packs his go-bag in a fit of panic and with some extremely subtle jump cuts, we can better understand his urgency.


The montage is also an opportunity to use jump cuts. As one of the primary benefits of the montage is to condense time and what better way to do that than with a jump cut? In Spielberg’s bleak Holocaust drama Schindler’s List, we have a short montage constructed solely with jump cuts. As Oskar interviews new secretaries, we use jump cut editing, along with blocking and staging, to tell the whole story.

Thursday 13 October 2022

Media Studies - Radio Show Progress Report

This progress report was made by me (Maxi). The initial concept and script was co-written by Timo and I. The initial timeline of the radio show was made by me .

Initial Concept

Radio Name: RegentsX Fm

Demographic: Gen Z/Regents Students (15-18 years old). In general, our target demographic would be people who use the social media app TikTok. 

Concept/Format: Due to our audience being mainly young people, the concept we have decided to use would be a talk show/interview based radio show.

Presenters: The radio show will have 2 presenters as that was the most frequently answered option. This will make it easier to stay away from dead air as the presenters can find a multitude of topics to talk about and keep the show interesting.

Segments: Firstly we will want to have a segment about school gossip as it was the most requested segment in our survey. More specifically, we will have the people/person involved with the gossip come on the show and share their side of the story and will answer questions.

Next, we would want a news segment talking about school news i.e. what events are going on in the next few weeks/what's going to happen throughout the day, like if there's going to be a university seminar, or if there'll be heavy rain and sports will have to be canceled.

Songs: The songs that will be played will be mainly the most popular songs used on the aforementioned social media app TikTok. Based on our survey, results showed that 100% of the survey takers use TikTok. The genre of songs will mostly be pop/indie/alternative rock. The songs that we are planning to use include the shortened/radio edit versions of some of the most used songs on the app like: 

Do I Wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys

Sex, Drugs, Etc. - Beach Weather

Me and Your Mama - Childish Gambino

Ad: There will be an advertisement segment for one of the food stalls in the school canteen promoting their food/menu. Our advertisement will be for the Orange Stall.


Minute 1: Introduction and greetings

MInute 2: Introduction

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 2.5: School News (What happened in the day, what's going to happen tomorrow)

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 3: Song 1

Minute 4: Song 1

Minute 5: Song 1

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 6: Intermission and school gossip segment 

Minute 7: School gossip

Minute 8: Interview with person associated with gossip

Minute 9: Interview

Minute 10: Interview

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 11: Song 2

Minute 12: Song 2 

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 13: Song 3

Minute 14: Song 3

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 15: Closing

Script (Hosts - Maxi & Timo): 


Maxi: Good afternoon Regents School! My name is Maxi from grade 11

Timo: And my name is Timo from Grade 11

Maxi & Timo: And we are your RegentsX Radio hosts!

Timo: We hope everyone has been having a good day so far and that you’re all doing okay!

Maxi: Indeed, but first of all I would just like to give some appreciation to how good my friend Timo here looks! Like you look absolutely stunning today brother

Timo: (laughs) yeah what a shame there isn't a video segment to show you guys listening at home how dapper i look.

Maxi: Truly a shame, however today's radio segment won't just be talking about how good timo looks

Timo: Yes, today we have our school gossip segment with a very very special guest! 

Maxi: Think you’ll all be very surprised when they come on!

Timo: Before that though let’s start with all the news you may have missed today at school. 


(School News)

Maxi: Today, on the 9th of November was Blind date with a book day! Hope everyone had fun reading as we continue on with the spirit of book week. Rain poured heavily as expected as Bali is currently experiencing a heavy monsoon season. Practice for the basketball teams have been moved from the court to the gym while football team practice has been cancelled. Furthermore we would like to wish our basketball teams the best of luck as they participate in the highly anticipated JB cup! You got this guys! This week we have our SMA boys team competing against Taman Rama Jimbaran for the 3rd place position on Thursday at 5 PM! Don't miss out! And the day before that we’ll have our  SMA girls team also competing for 3rd place against SLK on Wednesday at 4, we hope to see you all there and cheer us on!

And don't forget that tomorrow is the culmination of book week as we have our costume parade! Bring your best costumes and your book spirit as the fashion show gives your classes chances to win big prizes! And most importantly, remember to have fun! Now, a song that seems to have captured the generation by storm, Do I Wanna Know, by The Arctic Monkeys!


Plays song: Do I Wanna Know - Arctic monkeys


(School Gossip Segment)

Timo: Do I Wanna Know… that song definitely makes me feel some type of way. On that note, to all of you listening at home, the weather has been quite chilly recently. Why don’t we warm ourselves up with some steaming hot quote on quote “tea” or in other words gossip. Without further ado lets move right on to our gossip segment!

Timo: So, Maxi, is there any tea in particular that you’ve heard of recently?

Maxi: Well Tim, the hottest tea that i can think of would probably be some heatted drama and tea about current relationships right now at school

Timo: Oooh yeah, i've heard alot about that going on recently, pretty sure our basketball team captain Dyfan just got out of a pretty bad breakup

Maxi: Yeah ive sure heard alot about that too!

Dyfan (awkwardly): Uhm, hey guys

Maxi: Oh my god, would you look at that! if it isn't Dyfan himself!

Timo: Wow! we totally didn't know you were here the whole time and you definitely suddenly just appeared in the room with us!

Maxi: Totallyyy, anyway Dyf, i don't think you need an introduction but just in case anyone listening DOESN'T know you are, how about you introduce yourself to us

Dyfan: Introduction

Timo: Thank you for the introduction Dyf, moving on though, to the question that everyone has on their minds, what happened between you and Feo?

Dyfan: Gives explanation about his relationship

Maxi: Wow, thats crazy! What do you think made you feel that way?

Dyfan: Explains

Tim: God, that sure sounds rough, hope you two are able to sort it out! Anyway folks, I think thats all the time we have for todays gossip segment, now lets get right back to our songs!


Tim: Wow, that was some hot tea! Moving on, a song that has garnered massive popularity on TikTok, lets have Sex, Drugs, Etc, by Chit Chat

Plays song: Sex Drugs Etc - Chit Chat


Maxi: (as the song comes to an end, music is edited to become quieter as Timo talks over the song): And before our final song of the day, let's have a word from our sponsor, the Orange Canteen


Timo: Ever feel like school lunch has become repetitive? Like you're eating the same boring food over and over and over again? Well fear no longer because the Orange Canteen has just the solution for you! Choose from a variety of foods like Chicken Katsu, Chicken Karaage, Nasi Campur, Nasi Rawon, Curry, and more! And to top it all off, every Friday we have a free food special! Come over and get a free portion of soup along with every purchase you make! 

What are you waiting for? Come order from the Orange Canteen today!


Timo: Now, for our final song of the day we have Childish Gambino’s funky, yet rhythmic sensation, Me and Your Mama!


Plays song: Me and Your Mama - Childish Gambino


Maxi: (as the song comes to an end, music is edited to become quieter as Maxi talks over the song) Wow, that song just never gets old… Well guys, we wish we could keep playing some more of these days’ hot hits but unfortunately, as some of us may know more than others, all good things must come to an end.

Timo: Real. So real. Like Maxi has said, thank you to everyone who has tuned in this far, we appreciate you all. 

Maxi: But don't be too demoralised, because we'll be back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5 PM!

Timo: See you guys there!

Maxi: Without further ado, I’m Maxi

Timo: And I’m Timo

Maxi & Timo: And this was RegentsX, With Maxi And Timo!

Changes from Feedback

After finishing the script, me and Timo recorded our lines using discord, an online social media app that allows you to chat, call, and video call with others, similarly to skype. He used the OBS Studio Recording software to record our clips and put them all in a google drive. I then used Adobe Premiere pro to edit all the clips together as well as downloaded all the songs that we were going to use. I then downloaded the jingle that Satria had made and put it in as well. In the following weeks, Timo and I got together once again, this time with Dyfan, to record our gossip segment. Following the same process, I then put it into Premiere Pro and edited it into our radio show.

Next, we submitted our first draft to our teacher Mr. Nick. Mr Nick then gave us some feedback on how to improve our radio show. He first told us that hearing the same jingle over and over again was repetitive and boring. To fix this we created 4 different jingles that can be heard all throughout our radio show. Next, he told us that when a song comes to an end, to not include a jingle. We initially disagreed with the decision stating that it would sound better with the jingle, but after further deliberation I decided that having the music fade out without a jingle was the better option. Lastly we were told to include an audio bed in our introduction due to it sounding a bit stale. We agreed and included background music in our introduction segment. 

Saturday 8 October 2022

Media Studies - Radio Survey Results

The survey featured in this blog post was made by all members of the group. All analysis of survey results featured in this blog post was done by me (Maxi).

These images show the results from a survey we gave to high school students in Bali, as our target demographic was mainly high school students. Here is the link to said survey.

From these results, we found that the vast majority of people surveyed used the social media app TikTok (Image 2).

This helped us decide on what type of songs to use on our radio show. Since video's posted on TikTok almost always include a song, we decided it would be best to play songs that are popular on the app. This will be most effective in attracting our target audience of high school students. We confirmed this by asking the question of  "what artists do you listen to/like?" which assured our prediction that most people did listen to artists that gained popularity through TikTok's made using their songs/audio. (Image 7)

Other than that, based off the question "What segment would you most want to hear on a school radio?" We found that most students would want to hear a school gossip segment that included an interview with students. This led us into making a school gossip segment. (Image 5)

Lastly, the question of "what language would you prefer the radio to be in?" Showed us most students want the radio to be in English, which is what we ended up doing as it is more likely to be understood by more people, and thus able to reach a vaster audience than if we were to use Indonesian. (Image 6)

Thursday 6 October 2022

Media Studies - Research List

All research featured in this blogpost was independently conducted by me (Maxi).

 This blog post features a list of different radio shows that I have listened to and what I have learned from them.


Format: Talk show/Podcast
Topic: Guessing who a famous person/celebrity is as the hosts ask them questions about their rise to fame, etc.
Speakers: Chris Moyles (Main Host) + 3 Secondary hosts (2 Male, 1 Female) + Guest
Sound Effects: Radio X Jingle (Non Diegetic Sound)

Minute 1: Promotion for the Global Awards Show & Radio X Jingle
Minute 2: Guest enters the show
Minute 3: Small talk, questions
Minute 4: Questions
Minute 5: Questions
Minute 6: Guest is revealed
Minute 7: Further Questions about career/life

What I like about RadioX is that it keeps up with the younger listeners and is able to keep listeners interested by including interesting segments in each broadcast. The hosts are generally entertaining and the target audience would probably be young adults from the ages of 18-35.

Phoenix Radio: 

Format: Current events/updates

Minute 1: Talks about the G20
Minute 2: Talks about todays traffic and heavy rain
Minute 3: Song requests from listener
Minute 4: Song
Minute 5: Song
Minute 6: Advertisement
Minute 7: Next song

What I like about Phoenix Radio is that it caters to its audience. Most of its listeners are young adults and working age'd citizens. The songs they play keep up with pop culture and update its listeners on current events happening around them.

93.3 FM:

I listened to 93.3 radio for 20 minutes while on the drive home from school and what I liked about 93.3 was that they included song requests from listeners and played songs that were popular among their audience, which would probably be young adults from the ages of 18-30. Their hosts were energetic and there was rarely ever any dead air.

Media Studies - Radio Diary

Week 1 - 3/10/22

This week we learned about representation theory and how people & groups are represented in the media. Next, we decided our Radio project groups and created a research survey that will be sent out to other students to gain information on our target audience/demographic.

Week 2 - 10/10/22

This week we learnt about jump cuts and stereotypes and how they're created in the media. Furthermore, we've decided the name of our radio show (RegentsX FM), the format of the show, the songs were going to play, and the segments were going to have.

Week 3 - 17/10/22

This week we learnt about narrative codes, identity theory, and binary opposites. More importantly, we moved on to the script making portion of our radio show to create an idea of what will be said on the show. After that, we started working on our jingle and testing our voices by recording a draft of the introduction on a phone.

Week 4 - 25/10/22

This week we learnt about news agendas and how and why the news portrays things the way they do. We also learnt how to use radio equipment like microphones, mixers, and editing software through a crash course a teacher provided us.

Week 5 - 1/11/22 

This week we learnt about the impact of new technologies on Media, and started recording our radio show and designed our logo.

Week 6 - 8/11/22

This week we finished our radio recordings and I edited the radio show to include the jingle, songs, ads, recordings, and more.

Week 7 - 15/11/22

This week I worked further on finalizing the radio show edit and received feedback from our teacher Mr. Nick, who told us to make some more jingles, which we did. He also told me to not include the jingle at the end of the song, instead to just allow the song to fizzle out as we talk over the end of the song, which I agreed sounded better and did that. Other than that, we finalized our logo and I also finished my critical self reflection.

Week 8 - 22/11/22

In the final week I finished editing and uploaded the final product to my blog. I also made some final changes to my blog and updated all my radio posts and organized them as well.

Monday 3 October 2022

Media Studies - Representation of Groups and People

Here we can see Ex US President Donald Trump being represented in the media. The first article is from the news source Politico and talks about the victories trump has achieved. From the cover page, we can assume that Trump is being represented in a positive light due to the picture of him on the cover. It can be seen that he is holding his fist up in the air. This pose most often conveys a sense of victory and connotes to the reader that Trump has succeeded throughout his term.

This next article is an article from vanity fair that portrays Trump in a negative light. This can be seen from the stern and almost sad expression on his face, that connotes a sense of failure and conveys that Trump is disappointed.   

Sunday 2 October 2022

Media Studies - Team Introduction

This introduction to my team members and I, was written solely by me (Maxi).
Satria (Far Left), Theo (White Shirt),
 Timo (Black Shirt Standing up), Me (Far Right Striped Shirt)

My team for this radio project consists of me (Maxi), Satria, Timothy, and Theo. I chose this group because I have worked with them in projects before and I know all of them personally. Other than that, all of them have a specific and important set of skills that will be useful to have in the creation of this radio show.

Timothy has a very loud voice and is an extrovert by nature. I believe he would make the perfect radio show host. He also has lots of the necessary equipment to make a good radio show. Theo is an artist and he would be the perfect person to make our radio's logo.  Meanwhile Satria is a musician and knows the ins and outs of sound engineering, which would be important for when we record our radio segment.

For all the reasons mentioned above and more i believe that this team is the perfect fit to create this radio show.

Here are the links to Satria's, Timo's and Theo's blogs.