Monday 28 August 2023

Media Studies - Documentary Self Reflection

This blog post features my (Maxi) critical self reflection.


The brief for this project was to produce an original documentary TV programme lasting approximately 3 to 5 minutes, together with a thumbnail for display on a streaming site. I decided to do this project in a group, and together decided to make a participatory mockumentary about a group of students who on their first day of school, find that they all share the same name. We chose this style because we feel that it would allow for a more interesting story if the filmmakers were directly connected to the plot, and would lead to funnier moments throughout the documentary. We decided to call the documentary, "Dave(s)". 

How do your products represent social groups or issues?

Dave(s) is a mockumentary that is centered around the life of high school students, more specifically in an international school environment. The goal of our mockumentary is to give audiences a laugh through the usage of different stereotypes, or more specifically caricatures, of the different subcultures that can be found in high schools in this modern age/generation. This leads us to having a vast representation of different audience members, as they can likely find people in their lives who they know that act similarly to the people represented in our mockumentary. The personalities of the Daves vary but include a jock, softboy, introvert, a member of the LGBTQ, a character who isn't even called Dave, and a "player"/cool kid. As mentioned previously, we turn the stereotypes of these characters to the extreme and portray them in the most exaggerated way possible. This gives our mockumentary its comedic effect as we hope audiences will laugh at how insane their personalities are. Additionally, we employed many different forms of media language to portray the personalities of our characters. Most notably, the non-diegetic music that we used when each Dave is telling their story. For example, in Muscle Dave's introduction, we use hype and up-beat music as this represents his inflated ego and masculine aura. For Softboy Dave, we decided to use "Bad", by the band "Wave to Earth" as it represents his introverted nature and conforms to the type of music people with a similar personality may listen to. Lastly for Creepy Dave, we decided to use little to no diegetic or non-diegetic audio, to further embody his eerie atmosphere.

We conform to most of the stereotypes that are associated with the aforementioned subcultures of students, for example, how our jock will be a meathead that only thinks about himself, our introvert will be extremely quiet, our softboy character will be interested in all things indie, and be very shy, and our player will think that every girl that sees him loves him. In a sense we are also trying to convey how some of the characters we try to represent, like jock Dave, are obnoxious and provide the audiences with the preferred reading that they do not want to act like this in real life. Overall, we try our best to represent all parts of the high school ecosystem by using an ensemble of characters, and not having one character be in the spotlight at all times. as we want to be as representative as possible to real life, as we want to give the audience a feel that these situations and characters could be people in real life. This according to Uses and Gratification Theory would lead audiences to watch our documentary due to them wanting to find their personal identity. Even though the message of our documentary is to tell audiences to not act like this in real life, it may still help audiences in a sense that they'll recognize their flaws and aim to change the way they act to become better people.

How do your products engage with the audience?

We engage our audience by using the psychographics and demographics associated with our target audience, which in this case we have many. The concept of the mockumentary in general is based around modern Gen-Z meme culture, as we first thought of the idea of having a mockumentary with 6 characters of the same name after one of our members saw a meme on the internet of how 6 people named Josh gathered and fought to see who keeps the name. We then decided to take this idea and base our show about how even though all these people share the same name, they're all very different. Other than that, the documentary also includes many references to popular culture that will engage our target audience of Gen-Z viewers. We do this through using the memes based on people with certain personality types. For example, on social media apps like Twitter and TikTok, there are many users who are labelled as "Gym Bros" that always only talk about the things they're interested in and try to push it to others, which in this case would be going to the gym. Most people find these people incredibly unserious and love making memes of/love making fun of them. Thus, we decided to use these memes and put them into our characters like Muscle Dave. This is an example of Barthes' cultural code, as audiences will need to understand the internet culture of newer generations to be able to get the joke and be able to laugh at the characters' personalities.

How did your research inform your products and the way they use or challenge conventions?

The research we conducted included research on the conventions of documentary openings and mockumentaries in general, the common themes of documentary thumbnails, and research on personality types and traits that people in Gen-Z find funny. From our research on documentary openings and their thumbnails, we found that the best documentary openings for mockumentaries often throw the viewer straight into the environment of the mockumentary without giving a backstory or explanation as to what happens, as well as mainly being shot by using handheld camera work, which we followed as all montages that we shot were shot in this style. Furthermore, we also found how the humor and comedy that is so effective in mockumentaries cannot be explicit. It is not like most forms of comedy where the joke is told out to the audience explicitly, in this case its a subtle build up of events that lead to a comedic punchline that isn't supposed to be funny to the characters in the mockumentary, but is funny for all other audiences watching. Additionally, we realized that most mockumentaries also include satire to add to the mockumentaries overall humor. We followed these conventions accurately and had elements of all of this in our documentary, for example for including satire, we had a character (Player Dave) who believes that he is the object of all women's desires. We then show him failing miserably in his attempts to grab the attention of these women, and thus provide a commentary about how people who see women as objects are very ignorant and shouldn't be taken seriously. This theme of "not judging a book by its cover" is something that we would aim to include throughout this documentary given we were to continue the idea, as we want to show audiences that people are often not who they present themselves to be, and that it may all very well be a façade. Next, for the thumbnail, we saw how most thumbnails of documentaries on platforms like netflix tend to give a brief idea of what the documentary will be about. Thus we follow this convention by providing an image of 6 of our Dave's together, with text above their heads that reads "Dave(s)". The color tone is also quite plane as we don't want our mockumentary to seem too extravagant or outlandish for our target audience, and thus we chose to go with a simpler design.

In Conclusion

All in all, I believe that me and my team have worked effectively in producing the best documentary we possibly could. We planned all our decisions in detail and conducted effective research on each element we added or changed throughout the development process, and overall I feel very satisfied with the final outcome of the work we've done individually and together to produce this final product.

Media Studies - Documentary Editing Process

This Blogpost (Written by Timothy) details the editing and post production process of our Documentary.

To begin, I chose the timeline-based and non-linear video editing software application that is Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 as my primary choice of software for video editing. To begin, most of the files were transferred from the SD card used to my desktop to begin editing. 

The files were then imported into Premiere Pro, I then filtered the shots and deleted all the shots from the media library that I thought wouldn't be useful in the overall edit. The editing software made it easier to sync clips as it has the marking feature which allows the user to mark a certain part in the timeline with a label.

Shown below is the overall timeline of the project.  


Exposure Control (Color Grading)

By adjusting the exposure and the shadows, the originally overexposed video now fits all the other shots used in the edit.



Typewriter Animation

By using the linear wipe effect as well as overlaying a white video and playing with the scales, I successfully created a typewriter-like effect to showcase the interview questions.

By using keyframes, I was able to adjust the timing of the animation to provide the viewers with enough time to read the text without the segment lasting too long or too short.

These segments used the camera blur effect, which was done to pull the audience's focus, so that they don't get distracted from the text.

blur effects available on Premiere Pro

Scribble Animation

By screen recording drawing the S on a drawing application. I used this footage to chromakey the greenscreen to replicate a scribble animation.

Final Product

Friday 18 August 2023

Media Studies - Documentary Production Process

This blog post, written by me (Maxi), details the process of filming our documentary. The details of the shoot were written by me, however all images were taken and compiled by Nayana.

The production and filming of our documentary took place across 5 different days, over the span of roughly 2 weeks. Here you will be able to see the details and process of each day of filming that we had. I was not present for days 2 until 4 of shooting since I was in a different country, but still gave my inputs and helped out with some troubles that they had with making decisions on how to film the shots I had detailed in the screenplay I wrote.

Day 1

On the first day, we decided to film our first scene, which was a scene of me and Timo arguing about the cast of our documentary and the unclarity of the people we were interviewing. We wanted to get this scene done first as I would be leaving to a different country shortly after and wanted to alleviate the process of filming the scenes we had to take once I got back. 

We shot this scene on Timo's iPhone camera as the idea was to have us being secretly recorded. Thus, we didn't want to have the high quality of an actual camera, and instead used a phone camera instead which would make more sense. We had several attempts of filming this scene as we were interrupted multiple times by other students wandering into our shoot. However after around 6 takes we got the shot we wanted and wrapped up. 

Day 2

We started shooting with the actors who played the Dave characters on this day. The first 2 Dave's we started with were Muscle Dave and Happy Dave. Here we can see the equipment that we used to shoot the interview and montage scenes, which were Timo's Sony A7III Camera, A tripod, and a RØDE VideoMic. While I was away, I had helped in providing insight as to how some lines in the screenplay should be read by the actors, as it was a bit unclear on what emotions the actors should be trying to portray. I then told them how I wanted the lines to be said, and everything else went smoothly.

Muscle Dave

Happy Dave

Day 3

On this day we shot the scenes of Creepy dave and Softboy Dave. We used the same equipment as the previous day and had no problems. All the actors were able to work well with us and we got all the shots we wanted efficiently and effectively. 

Creepy Dave
Softboy Dave

Day 4

On day 4 we filmed all the scenes with Player Dave. This included his interviews and his montage of getting rejected by all the girls that he claimed would "fall for him instantly" in his interview. To get the actors who would play the girls Player Dave tries to hit on, we asked friends of ours who were still at our school at the time of the shoot if they wanted to play a character in the documentary we were shooting. We then explained to them what they had to do and the lines they should say. This ended up being very successful with all these extra actors being able to understand what we wanted them to do and play their roles well.

Day 5

On our final day of shooting, since I was back in Bali, we decided that we could finally shoot the leftover shots that we needed from the first few scenes of our documentary, that required me and all other actors to be present. Along with that we also filmed the scenes for Not Dave, for which we also had asked friends of ours to play as extras who would be in Not Dave's shots. We also took the thumbnail pictures, as well as the selfie that Happy Dave mentions during his scene. Again, all went according to plan and we were able to get all the scenes we needed with our actors.

Self Reflection: 

All in all, I believe that the whole shooting process had little to no errors, other than the fact that schedules were constantly clashing and getting all the Daves together proved to be quite hard. However the filming process itself went very smoothly due to a variety of factors including the teams great chemistry, our good relationship with all the actors making it very easy to deliver directions and for them to understand what they need to do, and effective management skills that helped us in being able to get all the shots we would need and want. Theres little I would change and want to do differently in following projects for this area, however it would've been better if we could have coordinated with all our actors better and create a proper shooting schedule that we could share and use with all of them.

Thursday 17 August 2023

Media Studies - Documentary Development

This Blogpost (Written by me, Maxi) features the development of our Documentary; Dave. This blog post contains our statement of intent, name development, thumbnail development, screenplay development, storyboard development, title screen development, as well as more creative decisions and the processes and reasoning behind them.


Statement of Intent:

Our documentary, Dave, focusses on 6 school students who find out they all share the titular name, Dave. They then decide that only one of them can have the name, and decide to have a competition to see who ends up being able to keep the name. Our point of interest though is that all Dave's have very different personalities and interests. This builds comedic effect through the juxtaposition of how each Dave is so different despite them all sharing the same name. This also allows us to broaden our target audience as we can cater towards people from different psychographics. Our main demographic however is mainly people from the ages of 16-25, who are active social media users and up to date with Gen-Z "meme culture".

As a mockumentary, we aim to include many comedic moments that our implicitly funny. We aim to add comedic affect through the stupidity/absurdity of the actions/personalities of our characters. We will have multiple interviews that introduce the audience to the characters, as well as footage that follows the documentarians as they argue about the production of their documentary.

We hope to be representative of people in the general high-school population, as well as of all the different types of people you find in this modern generation. E.g, we will have a Dave who loves playing video games, who will represent the "Gamers" of Gen-Z, a Dave who goes to the gym, who will represent the "gym bros" of Gen-Z, a person who makes TikToks and is into social media, who will represent the "influencers" of Gen-Z, etc.

Our documentary will be distributed on Netflix, and YouTube as a YouTube original series, as our target audience are very technologically literate. They will most likely prefer to access our documentary on these platforms, as social media apps like YouTube are very popular among viewers from this generation and allow for sharing of content between audiences, which will lead them to be able to build social relationships with their friends and recommend the documentary to them and talk about what they like.

Character name development and Casting Process:

As mentioned previously, we wanted to have 6 different Dave's that would be shown in the documentary, all of which would have different nicknames. The nicknames for each Dave went along with their personality, but choosing the personalities each Dave would have took quite a while.

We first decided on this list of names: 

  • Muscle Dave - Egotistical "Gym bro" that thinks he's cool due to him going to the gym.
  • Quiet Dave - Quiet kid that gives everyone a weird vibe. Doesn't talk at all.
  • Nerd Dave - Awkward, has little sense of social awareness and only cares about grades.
  • Crypto Dave - Loves buying, selling, and spreading the gospel of Cryptocurrency
  • Athlete Dave - Is the "cool" kid, loves playings sports and is a jock.
  • Happy Dave - Always happy, almost too happy. Tries too hard to bring the group together.

We then updated this list and removed Nerd Dave, Crypto Dave, and Athlete Dave and replaced them with 3 different characters. We also changed "Quiet Dave" to become "Creepy Dave" as we feel like it would be more extreme than him just being a "quiet kid". We decided to remove Nerd Dave because we felt he would be too similar to Creepy Dave, and thus his character would be a bit repetitive and boring. Athlete Dave was removed for the same reason, as we thought he'd be too similar to Muscle Dave. To make him more interesting though we transformed his personality into a womanizing douchebag who thinks all women fall in love with him. We thought that this would end up being more relatable as many people know someone like this in theri actual lives, and would be able to laugh at how stupid they look when portrayed on screen in our documentary. We decided to remove Crypto Dave once we were quite late in the development process, specifically after I had finished writing our screenplay. When we came together to read the screenplay we felt that Crypto Dave's character had far too little comedic impact. We felt that most people would end up not understanding Crypto Dave and wouldn't find his obsession with Crypto funny. So we decided to replace his character with someone that would add more comedic impact on our audience, and replaced him with a character who's name isn't even Dave, which adds an element of surprise to the storyline.

After these changes, 4 characters had changed and became "Softboy Dave", "Player Dave", "Not Dave", and "Creepy Dave".  The final character list was now as follows:

  • Muscle Dave 
  • Creepy Dave - Same as quiet dave, just under a different name.
  • Softboy Dave - Introverted and a bit awkward but tries his best to be nice. Follows conventions of the "Softboy" style that is famous on the social media app "Pinterest"
  • Player Dave - Thinks ever girl that sees him falls in love with him, and is a huge womanizer 
  • Happy Dave
  • Not Dave - A student who's name is actually Kevin, but since he was new everyone in the school grouped him together with the other new students who were named Dave and thus thought he was also named Dave.

For the casting process, we already had a list of actors we thought would fit the roles of our characters perfectly. The list is as follows:

    • Sheva Azwar - Muscle Dave
    • Baron Rizky - Creepy Dave
    • Taka Partha - Softboy Dave
    • Davin Kurniawan - Player Dave
    • Giann Suwangsa - Happy Dave
    • Arjuna Nakao - Not Dave
    We first decided on this list of actors as we believe they encapsulate the characters incredibly well. Essentially, we believed all the actors on this list, in real life, are very similar to the personalities of the characters that we wanted them to portray on the screen. For example, Sheva Azwar, who we wanted to play Muscle Dave, is a person who does go to the gym all the time, has a built physique, and also has a very high self esteem/ego. This would mean that he'd be the exact person that Muscle Dave is, and would portray the character perfectly. Same goes for Baron Rizky, who is a very quiet person in real life, Davin Kurniawan, who does go for many girls and is a bit of a player, and Giann Suwangsa, who is a very smiley and carefree person. As you can see, all these casting choices were made with the personalities of the actors and the characters in mind. 

    Additionally, since all members of our team are friends with the actors who we wanted to cast in real life, it would make the filming process much easier as it would be very easy to work with them since we are already good friends. However in the end, complications arose which led to us having to change our cast list. Sheva Azwar ended up not being able to participate in the shoot, and thus we replaced him with Han Hyun Woo, another friend of all members of the team. Hyun Woo similarly has a built physique and goes to the gym, but is not as self centric as Azwar. However we still believe that he could play the character of an egotistic person, and thus we casted him in the role. Thus the final list of actors is as follows:

    • Han Hyun Woo - Muscle Dave
    • Baron Rizky - Creepy Dave
    • Taka Partha - Softboy Dave
    • Davin Kurniawan - Player Dave
    • Giann Suwangsa - Happy Dave
    • Arjuna Nakao - Not Dave

    Shooting Location:

    For the location of our documentary, since all of our characters are high school students, we decided to shoot in a high school. Since all team members and actors go to the same school, Regents Secondary School Bali, we decided that it would be easiest to shoot in our school. This meant that we would not have to travel anywhere else for the duration of the filming process, and could use any other students we needed as extras for the shoot. We could also use the multitude of different classrooms and facilities that our school had and provided for all the different shots that we would end up needing. Thus the only location that we filmed in was:
    • Regents School Bali (Classrooms, Hallways, other facilities, etc.)

    Possible Documentary Names:

    In the development process, we thought of many different names for our documentary before we settled with Dave(s)

    • On the Daves
    • Dave Club
    • the Dave Fight
    • Hunger Dave's
    • Finding the Best Dave
    • Dave War
    • Daves
    • Dave
    • Diggin Dave
    • Dave(s)
    What was most important to us was how we wanted the name Dave to appear in the title of our documentary, since the characters of the show, and the whole plot of the show would revolve around people with that name. The original idea, if we continued past the opening, would be to have a fight/competition to which all the Dave's would compete in to see who would get to keep the name. This was the idea behind names such as "the Dave Fight", "Finding the Best Dave", and "Hunger Daves", which is a reference to the series of the Hunger Games. However, we felt that this would give away too much of the plot before the reader even started watching, and thus we wanted to go for a simpler and more subtle approach. We ended up choosing the title Dave(s), with the S in brackets as the S shows that it is a plural, therefore more than one Dave exists within the show. But we didn't want to show it normally by having the S come after an apostrophe, instead we put it in brackets as it is more unique and looks more interesting for audiences. They will wonder what it means for the S to be in brackets, compared to if it was written normally with an apostrophe, and provides intrigue for the audience to click on and watch the documentary.

    Possible Title Screen Fonts:

    For the word "Dave" we decided to settle with the font Lumios Typewriter New as we believe it conveys a sense of mocking seriousness. As our documentary it is a mockumentary, we try to be serious but at the same time funny. This font has been used in other mockumentaries we researched such as the office, and we believe it fits well with our mockumentary. 

    For the "s" in brackets, we decided to do it in a hand drawn font as it follows along with the story of the producers of the documentary not knowing there were going to be more than 1 person named dave in their interview. This adds a sense of comedy as it shows audiences that they were unprepared and had to add the details in back later. For the color choice, we decided to have it be drawn in red as we wanted it to stand out compared to the rest of the title. Also, it is a common convention in the media world to have annotations/changes to a script or text be written by using a red pen. Since the S in brackets is a revision to the title, writing it in red pen would make the most sense and follow conventions of the media industry. 

    Screenplay Development (Original Draft): 

    TIMO and MAXI argue about the candidates chosen for their interview, while they are secretly being recorded by another crew member.
    What do you mean you got 6 people??? There's literally only 1 name on the list!
    Huh? What are you talking about? I told you I got 6 people. They're literally all here waiting right now!
    Then why the hell is there only 1 name on the list.
    Give me that!
    Maxi GRABS the paper from Timo's hands
    What? Damnit Nay must've forgotten to add their names from the form! Alright c'mon just follow me, I'll show you myself.
    Timo PICKS UP his CAMERA and follows Maxi.
    CUT TO:
    Timo and Maxi hastily walk towards the room the interviewees are waiting. Maxi opens the door roughly and yells.
    VOILA! Told you so. Alright, now which one of you here is...
    While Maxi looks up from the paper we follow his gaze to reveal:
    6 DIFFERENT people STANDING UP in unison as they look around in a daze. They all share the same name; Dave. The 6 Dave's are as follows; Muscle Dave, Crypto Dave, Creepy Dave, Happy Dave, and Player Dave.
    The Daves look around IN CONFUSION as we:
    CUT TO:
    ROLL MONTAGE of DAVE'S sitting down in their interview chairs.
    MAXI (O.S.)
    Could you please state your name for the camera?
    Hi, Im Dave.
    We PAUSE, after the final dave answers, as we:
    FADE IN:
    MUSCLE DAVE walks in from the side and SITS DOWN on the interview chair. Timo asks the Dave's about what happened on their first day of school.

    TIMO (O.S.)
    Could you please tell us how your first day of school was?
    Yeah man it was crazy! My family moves around a lot, so first days of school are no big deal really. And since my names Dave Aardvark, I'm always first name on the list. So my teacher called "Dave Aardvark", and I said "Present!"
    CUT TO:
    And I thought "Woah!" Another dave in the class! So guess I've got 1 friend already.
    CUT TO:
    Yeah so by the end of it we had 6 new Dave's in our class! It ended up being so confusing that the class had to give us all nicknames to differentiate between us.
    TIMO (O.S.)
    So what's the nickname you were given?
    CUT TO:
    Isn't it obvious?
    Muscle Dave.
    CUT TO:
    He's really not that muscly.
    CUT TO:
    Well they called me Happy Dave! Its probably cuz I just get along everyone! We became friends like instantly, I love all the Daves!
    CUT TO:
    PICTURE of Happy Dave's selfie. Happy Dave is posing and joyful, while all the other Daves are visibly disgusted.
    CUT TO:

    We're not friends.
    CUT TO:
    Honestly I don't know why they call me crypto Dave. Like I don't even talk about crypto that much.
    CUT TO:
    MONTAGE of Crypto Dave's crypto enthusiasm
    --Crypto Dave goes up to multiple people in an attempt to introduce a brand new CRYPTO APP he just got to multiple people.
    --Walks up to one person while pointing at his phone, they walk away.
    --Asks his friends as they sit at lunch if they've ever heard of "Dogecoin".
    --While on his laptop, he calls people to come and look at the exponential growth of a crypto coin.
    --More shots can be added if needed.
    CUT TO:
    I think everyones just jealous honestly. With my looks and everything I could literally get any girl I want, so they just call me a
    TIMO (O.S.)
    Would you care to tell us about what how the girls in your class think about you?
    CUT TO:
    MONTAGE of Player Dave attempting to flirt with girls.
    --Player Dave goes up to multiple girls in the hallways, in his classroom, etc, as they all brush him off and walk away.
    --Player Dave walks up to a girl at her locker, she walks away.
    --Player Dave Waves to a girl in the hallway, she gives him a weird look.
    --Player Dave tries to sit next to a girl, she scooches over.
    Player Dave's voice accompanies the clip as a voice over.
    Yeah the girls love me man! Every single girl i talk to literally can't even resist me. I think I just have this sort of aura that they're just attracted to. You wouldn't get it.
    CUT TO:
    SOFTBOY DAVE sits in his interview chair wearing a CARDIGAN as he listens to music with his AIRPODS in, unbothered by the fact that he's currently in an interview. Much to the confusion of the interviewer.
    TIMO (O.S.)
    Hello? Excuse me?
    Softboy Dave slowly looks up and takes his airpods out.
    Oh sorry, didn't know we were starting.
    TIMO (O.S)
    What were you listening to?
    Uhm, Wave to Earth.
    TIMO (O.S.)
    Right. Would you mind sharing your most used social media app?
    Let me check...
    CUT TO:
    TIMO (O.S.)
    So, we've been told they call you Quiet Dave.
    TIMO (O.S.)

    CUT TO:
    --Cut between 2-3 second shots of the Daves in their interviews
    --Goes from Dave 1, to Dave 2, etc, until done.
    --Montage is accompanied by voiceover by Muscle Dave and Timo.
    Well when you have so many different clashing personalities in a single group, things are bound to get a little wild y'know.

              TIMO (V.O.)
    So then what happens next?
    MONTAGE ENDS (When Timo says the final line), when we:
    SUPER: "Dave(s)"

    Screenplay Revisions:

    During the filming process, some lines were added and changed. This was done as some lines felt a bit unnatural to be said by the actors, and we decided that it'd be better to add lines, and edit them a bit. We also decided to scrap the character of Crypto Dave as a whole and instead replaced him with "Not Dave", a character who isn't called Dave but was a new student on the day so was grouped in together with them anyways. We decided to do this because we believe that it would add more comedic effect than if we included Crypto Dave as the team believed his scenes would be quite boring and repetitive. We believe including a character thats not called Dave would diversify the story even more and create a more unique story.

    Here is the main part of the screenplay that we changed: 

    I'm not even called Dave man, my real names Kevin. People just grouped me in with them cuz I was a new student.
    CUT TO:
    MONTAGE of NOT DAVE (Kevin) being called Dave and getting approached by other students.
    --Kevin is sitting down on his phone as students come up to him and ask him if he's the new kid, Dave.
    --While at his locker, students pass by him as they shout, "Hey Dave!".
    --While at the urinal, another students takes the one next to him, looks towards Kevin and nonchalantly says "Hey Dave".
    --While walking in the hallway, Kevin gets approached and hugged by another student who says "Hey Dave! Nice to meet you man!".
    --Kevin then screams, "MY NAMES KEVIN!!".

    Self Reflection:

    I feel like through creating this screenplay I was able to further learn more about the proper way of formatting different elements of a media text, like a montage, and furthermore how to write something that is comedic, as previously I've only ever written screenplays that focus on serious plotlines, and never had any experience writing something that attempts to be funny/comedic. This experience definitely exposed me to writing different genres of texts, and allowed me to practice my writing skills and improve overall as well.

    Storyboard Development: 

    Here we can see the storyboard of our documentary. This was made and drawn by Sharon.

    This storyboard helped us in the process of creating the visual sense of what our documentary would look like from scene to scene. By using the screenplay, I helped describe to the storyboard artist (Sharon) what I had in mind for most of the shots. In the filming process however, we didn't really rely on what was drawn in the storyboard as we had developed new and different ideas for the scenes after the storyboard was created. Thus many of the shots were made solely by using what was written in the screenplay, with the visual elements of the scene being left in the hands of our Director (Timo).

    Thumbnail Development: 

    These are some possible thumbnails for our documentary. They were drawn by Sharon, but in the end we decided on the final one together.
    Again, as with our documentary name, to chose the thumbnail we had to consider the impression we want to make on our target audience and how they will think about the documentary as a whole. Some of our ideas like the name tag thumbnail (top left) show that the name "Dave' will play a big part in the documentary. The thumbnail on the middle left pays homage to a poster of the 1999 film "Fight Club", that had a similar style. This may have attracted fans of the movie to come and watch our documentary, but we decided that our target audiences may not understand the reference. Our final choice, the thumbnail in the top right, shows an image of all the members of the cast in a line against a monotonous background. This is meant to exemplify all their different personalities, with the title of the documentary "Dave(s)" in text above them all. This shows audiences that the name Dave is an important part of the story, but also that there are multiple people in the show with the same name, and that they all have different personalities due to the expressions and actions of the characters in the picture.

    Here we can see the different forms of our final thumbnail that we tried out. We ended up using the image in slide 12 as our final thumbnail.
    We decided to go with this thumbnail due to it having a white background and has it as our characters shown in a normal color tone as we believe it is the most natural image for audiences to see when they're scrolling through their netflix home page trying to find documentaries to watch. We did not want to have something too colorful, packed, or edited, as we believe it doesn't conform to standard documentary conventions, and seems a bit childish. This may deter our audiences from wanting to watch our documentary.

    Post Production Changes:

    In our first final draft, we followed the screenplay and included the argument scene between Me and Timo. However, once it was finished, we realized that it was 20 seconds over the time limit. Thus we decided to get rid of our argument scene and have the opening scene be me going into the room and asking who is named Dave. Other than that, we had received feedback from our teacher Mr. Nick on details that we should change. We originally had a sound effect of typewriter clanking for the text that appeared on screen and a voiceover for the questions that were asked to the characters in the interview. Mr. Nick told us that it would make it more natural if we removed these and just used the original recorded audio from the microphone in the room. We agreed and changed these immediately. We also increased the duration of the shots for where we see all the Dave's sitting down in the beginning of the documentary. Originally some of the shots didn't last long enough that they showed the actors' faces when they sat down, we then changed this to make it so that all the shots lasted longer and showcased all the actors' faces.

    As mentioned above, with all scenes like this, we removed the typewriter sound effect and used diegetic sound for the question instead of replacing it with re-recorded non-diegetic sound.

    Self Reflection:

    Overall, I feel like documenting the development process allowed me to track the process of our documentary better and keep up with all the things we'd done throughout the production and development process.