Thursday 27 July 2023

Media Studies - Documentary Weekly Plan & Progress

This blog post features my (Maxi) diary and plan for my teams documentary.


Schedule for the development and production of our documentary, outlined by our teacher Mr. Nick.

Diary that tracks the progress of the creation of me and my team's documentary:

Week 2 - 28/07/23

This week we were introduced to our next project, which was to make a documentary. We then analyzed 3 different documentary openings.

Week 3 - 04/08/23

This week we decided on our teams and decided that we were going to make a mockumentary. We then further researched mockumentaries, like American Vandal, The Office, and Modern Family.

Week 4 - 11/08/23

This week we began to discuss ideas about what our documentary will be about, and have a general idea about what our target audience will be about. 

Problem: Our current problems are that we have 0 clue about what our documentary will be about, and didn't get to discuss about it as one of our team members is sick. 

Solution: We decided that we'll meet up sometime soon to come to a final conclusion about what the focus of our documentary will be. 

To Do: By next Wednesday we will have to have made a decision about what our documentary will be about, and have our target audience fully finalized

Week 5 - 18/08/23

This week we were able to find the concept of our documentary, and we decided we will be doing a documentary about 6 school students who find out they all share the same name, Dave. We figured out the shows target audience and also made our statement of intent.

Problem:  We haven't decided on the flow of scenes in our documentary, and don't have a concrete script.

Solution: We will continue to discuss and finalize what scenes will be included in our documentary, and will make a screenplay.

To Do: Make a screenplay and finish storyboard.

Week 6 - 25/08/23 

This week we further worked on our screenplay and storyboard, and have a clear idea about most of the shots that we want to take/include.

Problem: Having to work with different filming schedules, and getting our actors to agree on shooting with us. As well as finishing our screenplay & storyboard.

Solution: Asking our actors, and finding new ones if they aren't available.

To do: Confirm with our cast, and start filming our first few scenes ASAP.

Schedule: Opening Scene: 28th, 29th, 30th
Interviews w/ Daves: 1st, 4th-7th
Other Scenes: 8th -10th

Week 7 - 1/09/23

This week we started our self reflection, finished the screenplay, and started the filming process.

Problem: Scheduling conflicts led to me and some other actors not being able to shot on some days.

Solution: Push back schedules and get all shots done as fast as possible.

Week 8 - 8/09/23

This week we did development and research on some fonts and started thinking/designing thumbnails, as well as finished the storyboard.

Problem: Still need to film some scenes that we weren't able to do last week.

Solution: Finish it by the following Monday.

To do: Update blog on the production and development process.

Week 9 - 15/09/23

This week we finished filming all of our scenes and started editing the final product.

Problem: One of our actors got sick and couldn't make our shoot.

Solution: We replaced his character with a new character called Not Dave (Kevin).

To Do: Finish blog work and add more self reflection for all our tasks and updates.

Self Reflection:

Through creating this weekly plan and progress report I feel like I was able to better organize my work as I knew what work I had to do at what time. Also by listing out our problems, solutions, and to do's, we were able to keep on track and analyze what exactly we as a team have to do and the steps we can take to do it.

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