Wednesday 7 September 2022

Media Studies - Coca Cola Advert Storyboard Development

 Coca Cola; Closer Together

I decided to choose Coca Cola as my product as it is one of if not THE most recognizable and popular drink across the world. Everyone knows Coca Cola, and it's more likely than not that everyone you know has drank Coca Cola at least once in their lives. Creating a Coca Cola advert allows for a vast array of opportunities for ideas, as there are a huge amount of ways to promote Coca Cola, as it can relate to almost any aspect of life.

Concept: This advert follows a young adult couple who go on an exhilarating trip/adventure in a city, as they drive around in flashy red car, all the while having Coca Cola prominently featured throughout the advert. The couples story could be  describe as them being so engulfed in each other that they forget the world around them. The advert focusses on their activities and how much pleasure & fun their able to have as they enjoy their electrifying escapade, accompanied by Coca Cola. The purpose of the advert would be to show the thrills that accompany the captivating romance of the couple - Furthermore showing the audience how Coca Cola can bring people closer together.

Target Audience: This advert is strongly targeted towards young people in their late teens and young adults, but can also be for people a little older who would be in their late 30's to early 40's. This is because the ideas of a heartfelt and thrill filled love would only be a feasible idea for people who are still young and able to go on these sensational adventures. People who are still kids who don't understand fully the idea of love, and don't see the interest of going on these kinds of dates wouldn't be brought in and feel the advert. Similar to old people who aren't able to do the same activities now compared to when they were young. 

Race wouldn't have to be considered, as romance is experienced in similar ways by all types of people, independant of skin color. However, this advert definitely targets people living in the western world, as other parts of the world may not see the idea of romance being this thrill-seeking experience, as that is more of a norm in Europe and North America. Additionally, it targets the middle-upper class, as the high life shown in the advert isn't as easily experienced by poor people in the lower class, and its likely that a high income would be needed to keep up with the kind of lifestyle portrayed in the advert, thus only really being relatable to the people of that income bracket. (Middle-upper class)

Setting: The advert will be set in multiple scenic environments people would love to go with their significant other. Some scenes will feature the couple in their Convertible Car, at a mansion by the pool, on the edge of a beautiful cliff, in a retro 60's diner, lighting fireworks by a lake, and on the beach as they walk along the coast line.

Song: Getaway - Saint Motel (Played throughout the whole advert)


- The advert kicks off with the couple in their flashy car, as the female Actress looks back at the camera (which is in the backseat), with sunglasses on her face, and pulls them down a little as so the audience can see her eyes. The scene then cuts to a shot at a different part of the road as the Female Actress puts her arms in the air, as she holds a Coca Cola bottle in her right hand.

- Next, a shot is shown in which the female actress is walking along a cliff, without noticing the camera, she then turns her head towards the camera, which in this case would be from the POV of her lover.

- The following scene shows the actors running down a grassy hill towards a huge mansion as the camera follows behind them, at the same speed the actors are running. 

- Next, the actors are shown having a picnic under a tree as they sit on a picnic blanket with food like sandwiches, snacks, fruits, and most importantly 2 bottles of Coca Cola are shown in the hands of the actors, as they cheers and then drink from each other bottles.

- The next scene shows a close up of the 2 actors in a retro 60's diner drinking from the same bottle of Coca Cola using 2 different straws. 

-The following scene shows the 2 actors are by the side of the pool, as they hold each other in their arms with the sun sets in the background

- After that, the scene switches once again to the POV of the male actor, as he watches the female actress light a firework by the edge of a picturesque lake at night. She lights the fireworks and then runs towards the male actor and jumps to him. The fireworks then go off as the scene cuts to a shot of them from behind, as the fireworks explode in the sky.

- The ending shot of the actors shows a close up of the couple's hands, as they have them tightly together while walking along the coast of a beach, by the ocean. The scene then cuts to a medium close up of the couple from behind, still holding hands, but now they're seen holding a bottle of Coca Cola, in each of their free hands. They continue to walk for a second, after-which white text is overlaid in large font which reads, "From Coca Cola, With Love". 

- In the final shot, the scene switches completely to a glass of coca cola with a pure white background, as coca cola is poured into the glass, while the text is still overlaid. The song then fades out and the ad ends.


First Draft: 

Final Sketch: 

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