Thursday 18 August 2022

Media Studies - How Media Targets Audiences (Advert)


How Media Targets Audiences:

This Advert would generally appeal to little kids. This is why:

The main characters shown in the adverts are minions, which are movie characters that little kids are very familiar with and love very much as they have most likely seen the Despicable Me and Minions movie franchises as they are very popular among children. This can essentially be compared to “star appeal” but for children. 

Throughout the advert the minions make silly faces and jokes that only small kids would find funny, which further increases the appeal of the Happy Meal as kids see the minions having fun which makes them want to try and eat the Happy meal too.

Small children are also seen eating the happy meal, which makes little kids who see the advert go "oh that kid is eating this too, i want to try this!"

Furthermore, the lightning and color grading used in the advert puts an emphasis on “bright, happy, sunshine”, which is the perfect fit to appeal to kids, as they wouldn't want to see gloomy, sad, and dark colors.

Gatorade Advert: 

This advert strongly appeals to aspiring athletes/people who love playing sports. This is why:

The music used is upbeat and has a heavy use of drums which appeals to sportive people as it is similar to what they'd listen to when they exercise. It may also hype them up which causes them to associate the feeling of hype that they feel when they drink Gatorade.

Character is seen playing basketball after drinking Gatorade, which shows that Gatorade may help you and give you more energy to play sports and athletic activities.

It appeals to the Sportive and athletic audience by showing the character playing basketball which is a very popular sport in the US that hundreds of millions of people play and love.

The slogan used, "win from within" tells audiences that Gatorade gives a person energy, strength and increases their inner drive, which may help them do better in their sport of choice, and thus appeals to them and makes them think, “i should get gatorade because itll help me become a better player! 

The lighting and color gradient used throughout the advert is quite gray, dark and black. This portrays the serious basketball/gym/training environment that athletes have to go through to become the best. All the while conveying that Gatorade is the best drink that will help you become the best.

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