Friday 5 August 2022

Media Studies - How audiences consume media actively

 How audiences consume media actively

Reception theory - This means that the audience chooses how they will respond to media texts and language. They may use preferred (audiences completely agree with the media text and language used), negotiated (audiences notice the media language used but don't fully agree with what it stands for) , or oppositional reading (audiences completely disagree with the media text and what they're trying to say). The way these audiences decode the meaning of the media texts will be based on gender, race, social class, age, etc.

Twenty Five Twenty One (Korean drama show)

Our Beloved Summer (Korean drama show)

Twenty Five Twenty One: UGT: personal identity, social relationships

Reception theory: Preferred Reading: The two characters main characters of the show will end up in a relationship and will be very happy together

Negotiated reading: The atmosphere during the show won't always be sunshine and rainbows and may end up being sad, as the poster seems “too good to be true”

Oppositional reading: The show will be depressing and angry as the main characters will hate each other.

Our beloved summer: UGT: Diversion, personal identity, social relationships

Reception theory: Preferred reading: The show will be very cheerful and filled with sunshine and happiness.

Negotiated reading: The two main characters will be just friends and won't have any romantic relationship.

Oppositional reading: The show will be filled with doom and gloom and will be depressing.

Uses and Gratification theory - People consume media to satisfy their basic needs.

4 needs: Diversion, Personal Identity, Social relationships, Surveillance

Diversion - A form of escapism from the stress and strain of everyday life. Maybe all media falls into this group. Audiences consume media texts to escape from their everyday lives. They choose entertaining texts that allow them to divert their attention from the real world, perhaps by watching a fantasy film like Harry Potter or reading a fashion magazine like Vogue.

Personal Identity - The media supplies us with role models, ways of understanding our own place in society.  Some audiences like to watch or read media texts because they can compare their life experiences with those represented in it.

Social Relationships - People make personal connections with the performers they see on screen, people can build their own relationships discussing media with friends.

Surveillance -  People use the media to inform themselves about the world around them. Keeping up to date with entertainment/fashion trends. Satisfying curiosity.

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